
You should hire me!

mac miller

This is my personal website. I have a blog| resume|projects| Dev Log| iPod app|videos| and games

  A b o u t me

My name is Max.


My Delta-Halo symbol means change for the good!

I am in the process of becoming a better man. I moved to Austin and I test servers at a supercomputer factory.

I coded all of this as a personal challenge to build the best website I can.

Been building a review app called Review and Me with Next.JS / React and Mongo Database.

Search engines are more like self-driving cars at this point, don't you think?

People used to say this website is all over the place, but I prefer the term "omnipresent".

I was working on reimagining the Shock Rifle from Unreal Tournament in Unreal Engine, and learning how to build professional websites with Next.js

I've been starting to utilize Garage Band for my songs, but I don't have as much time as I used to. I'm on the work grind right now, which is kind of sad because I don't get to be as creative, but I'm learning how to fund my creations.

You can view my dev log, portfolio, project page, or keep exploring.

I coded a pokemon web application that lets you choose your pokemon team and challenge the A.I. Mewthree, who responds using ChatGPT, and I also made a similar app that lets you put in yours and someone else's location, and generates a date idea for you in between the two of you.

A lot of the images are links to my different webpages on this site!

Most of the art on here is A.I. generated but I made some of it with photoshop.

I have a philosophy degree from UC Santa Cruz and I went to coding bootcamp at Coding Dojo.

After graduating and failing to find a job, I decided to write (not send) a letter to google declining their job offer, claiming that I was doing more important work at maxjann.com and with my company Jann Software. After I wrote this letter and entered the mindspace of being the kind of guy who says No to google, google recruited me within a month. I think this is a clue as to how the universe works, and manifestation. I had to actually embody the type of person who could say no to them in order to write that letter. And although I never sent it and never told anyone about it, the universe heard me, felt me.

I've been recruited by Google, Amazon, and Meta as a software engineer, but they felt like I needed more experence. I have not given up on that dream, and I plan on mastering those types of technical interviews. I did get a job for the last 6 months as a junior software engineer intern, but I had no time/energy for it since I'm already working fulltime. Now that that job ended, I plan on using my spare time to be more creative again as a coder.

I like to think of myself as a white blood cell because I try to solve problems other people can't see.

The beauty of my philosophy is that if you do not see the problems I see, don't worry. I view you as an equally valuable part of the body.

I have given myself 6+ years of experience on personal projects since coding bootcamp. I have a good understanding of how to control a piece of the internet. Here's a list of technologies, languages, or frameworks I have experience with.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • Node.js
  • Unreal Engine
  • Unity
  • Blueprints
  • Github
  • Netlify
  • Python
  • Django
  • React
  • Photoshop
  • Blender
  • MongoDB
  • PHP
  • Open AI's API
  • Terminal (command line)
  • Vercel
  • Next.js
  • The Gold ones I use every day.


"Start, then Learn" -- Andrew Kirby

Eternal Elam


I love making A.I. art and I try to stay on top of A.I. so I can have experience with it when it becomes much more powerful and useful.

To be honest I just want to be able to reprogram the robots in a dystopia.


I'm 117 flirting with Vesper

Got my armour from God; you know it's Beskar.

I'm a deprogrammed human robot

I've tried writing some code to bring about superintelligent AI using a metalearning algorithm

Try my iPod Shuffle App DJ Aliens

Thank you for using your laptop

Try using your laptop next time



I   a m   t h e   K i n g   o f C l o u d l a n d