

January February


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Ruler - new original song

I wrote and recorded this song this morning using my Rode Mic, my Taylor guitar, and garage band. Then I used ChatGPT to make the image and used Sora to animate it. Then I used iMovie to put it to the music.

Diffusion is an A.I. term and technique that I don't fully understand. It's a method where A.I. starts the image off with random noise and then



Dead Wood Burning


I've learned an important lesson about telling the truth and being fully transparent.

At this point, this post should be unreachable by my other website which is my

I've been thinking for a while about tearing this whole website down and starting over, not because anyone else made me, but because I no longer feel aligned with the message I've put on here.

I've noticed my 2024 posts are much more concerned with my own skill development then commenting on the state of the world.

Maybe no one finds this post, maybe no one reads them, but they do in fact read them. I just have no reliable analytics on how much my blog is viewed or what kind of impact it has on people.

I'd like to tell the whole world everything about me, but I'm learning that sometimes maybe it is best to keep some things to yourself, basically out of self-preservation.

No one, not even my own conscience can say I haven't put my neck out on the line fore the truth's sake. If I completely reigned it in now, I know that I have done plenty. A lifetime amount. Maybe it's time for me to play the game everyone else is playing, where you only provide limited information about yourself and present the best version of yourself to others. It makes sense, I just thought radical transparency was worth trying.

I do realize now that I've made some wrong conclusions, even distasteful one, or delusional ones. Sometimes I try to drown out potential controversies with a sheer volume of content so that it's hard to stumble upon. Today I made a lot of my videos unlisted, so that you can't see them from my youtube channel. Only by using this specific url you're on now, can you go to /videos and click on the hidden content.

I spent hours sharing my beliefs and making arguments for what I consider the truth.

I never want to be deceptive, but I've made my peace with God that I have to about certain things at least until I am financially powerful enough to take off the bulletproof vest of liars.

Only then, can I reveal the veil, and tell you what I really think.

What I really think is that I might be wrong about a lot of stuff. I think I need to focus on becoming a better man for now, and I need to have a professional website for employers, that doesn't link to this website.

I should probably just take this down, but so much work went into desinging this over the years, and writing this blog and the book and all those videos with slideshows.

Part of it's just Ego, feeling like it'd be a tragedy if I had to take them all completely off the internet and then no one could benefit from one of my philosophical videos or arguments. I know I've made some convincing ones, and I've been complimented by people of my writing skills.

I've deleted / removed / hidden more content in the past week then I have in my entire life.

I want to move to Austin, TX and start fresh. Have a new reputation, new friends, and find a new job.

I'll be bringing considerable experience and skills to the table even if I delete all this, and I should be able to make better content in the future. I don't necessarily stand by my old content. But I hope it helped someone understand. Maybe I was only helping myself. please

Here's a picture of a girl I found. She sells her bathwater online for lots of money so I thought she must be worthy of looking up. I was right. I think pictures like this look great on a website, even if they're innapropriate, because to me it provides balance to the mechanical nature of a website. The contrast of a human body to a website design to me is just is a necessary juxta position. If I had a bunch of elements and a.i. generated images it just feels lifeless. But that's a design principle that might be hurting my hirability. I just think it's pleasing to the eye and also necessary to grab the attention of someone scrolling impatiently.

You might ask why I fight. This is what I'm up against:

I think about that Jordan Peterson quote about burning off the dead wood of yourself... That's what I've been doing. And you're reading the ashes.



Legacy Homepage

So I need to redesign my homepage to make it purely professional so I can land a remote coding job. So I've moved my homepage to /legacy

I've been thinking about tearing the whole website down and starting over and that might be what I have to do.

I wonder if some of this stuff will follow me even after I take it off the internet.

I like talking about Jesus and conspiraicies, or posting A.I. art. I also think it's fun to post nudity on here because no one can stop me, but I have to grow up, and leave my ego behind if I'm gonna figure out a way to provide for myself with a job that I want because the Geek Squad era is over.

For now, I made a softer version of my existing homepage, and have /legacy as a link.



This is my jam right now.

Been grinding hard at Unreal Engine 5 and I just coded for a few hours in a row without following a tutorial, just figuring out things for myself. I do use the A.I. custom chatGPT that's an Unreal expert though when I'm stuck.


How to properly answer a loaded question

Expert level analysis of the plotholes of evolutional universal theory. Joe Rogan asks, "Do you believe in Evolution?", after the guy puts forth an expert-level philosophical argument for God (I'm somewhat qualified to say that), and he responds in the most intellegent way possible. I don't think Joe meant it as a trap, but it is a trap, and so he answered by immediately distinguishing microevolution from universal, and then providing an analogy with computer code getting destroyed rather than improved by random change, and how genes work in a similar way.

Real quick just in case you don't watch the video, his argument for God is that we can't rely on our own minds or our observations of reality independently of one another without positing a third party which is the creator of both, designing the mind to be able to ascertain reality. Without that third party, Both your mind and your observations could be way off from actual reality and truth. Only with the ingredient of a real true God can you actually have confidence in your understanding of reality. Something like that.

I believe in God and I think my best guess at the truth is that elements of Creationism and Evolution are both true but it requires a deep answer and more complex questions. The guy admits Evolution can account for the Finch's beaks changing with the environment, but challenges the assertion that all forms of life have a common ancestor.

I'm more posting this to show the way he answered the question than the actual subject matter. He answered it like a true knowledge seeker, and a good teacher. He wasn't emotional about it, and he phrased it as "I'm skeptical of this nuanced part of evolutionary theory here and there", and then he went on to say leading evolutionary biologists are also skeptical of certain parts of standard evolutionary theory.

I truly believe the absolute truth requires extremely hard and detailed work to figure out, and that any true hard research and truth seeking ultimately leads you back to the Creator. The Almighty. The Most High.

It's pretty impossible to call this guy a nutjob not because of the subject matter but because of how he's delivering it. That's a key skill that I have a keen eye for because I'm able to talk about some nutty things in a somewhat convincing manner very often. Because I feel like this society has been trained to laugh at the hard truth if you come out and say it in the wrong way.

Now this doesn't mean I'm a textbook Christian. I'm a truther, and if the truth is Christianity than so be it, however I still want answers about UFOs, the Books left out of the bible, the Illuminati, advanced technology or black ops projects... hypnosis, mind control, behavior modification... idk. the Pyramids. How about just plain good people who aren't Christian? I have a fear of God and want to make sure I do my homework and give the bible a chance but I still have to stay open-minded. My problem with Christianity is this: It's constantly portrayed as telling you what not to do. You can't do this, you can't do that. It's a passive religion. It doesn't focus on the things you should be doing, or at least the teaching of it doesn't focus enough on personal empowerment over things you yourself would consider sinful. I also question the strategy of waiting for Jesus's return and allowing the world to deteriorate without fighting back in force. The Dune 2 movie alludes to this with Paul's gf Zendaya constantly bemoaning the coming of the messiah. In fact, Paul reminded me a lot of myself when he hopped on stage and declared that no one there could challenge him and said they should all follow him. I've literally done that before and not many people can say that. Turns out I'm not ready to lead. I'd like to be a leader, I aspire to be worthy of followers, but the reality is I'm a work in progress. I actually think all the time about how I want to be like God and I empathize with Lucifer's desire to be above even the Most High. "I will ascend above even Him" he said something like that. But I also beg God to let me in his army, even low level. My goal is not to ascend past the most high, but to be the Most High version of myself. That is the key difference between a Christian and a Satanist.

If God is real, does that make him perfect? Limitless? Why use angels then? I was just reading the book of Exodus where he sends an angel of death during passover, and it struck me as powerful, but not all-powerful. The angel passes over the doors with blood on them, but why doesn't the angel already know? And is that Old-Testament God the same God as the one Jesus talks about?

I could make a game in the future where the people in the game have a.i. so sophisicated they think about who created the game. But I wouldn't be God because there's still a bigger God that created me. So the MOST HIGH God is the ONE TRUE GOD... and I think that's connected with Jesus. I want to be an honorable man but I also do not want to be restricted by commandments that may or may not have come from the actual most high God. Then again, I know I'm a sinner.

I still stand by a good christian who uses love during conflict. But, when I have my whiteBloodCell custom beanie I made on my head it reminds me that sometimes "God bless you" isn't what somebody needs. Sometimes it's just "Have a good night", or saying nothing at all. Being a whitebloodcell to me is about not bothering anyone but the ones doing the bothering. I'm ready to step in, and I do step in, when I see something out of line, like Spidey on the rooftops. But I don't annoy people like some street preachers do. I don't try to make absolutely everything about God, because that can be anti-God in my opinion. Sometimes the most loving and kind thing you can do is leave someone alone, or just be chill.

This life is full of little recurring challenges. I try to think of myself as a warrior of God to get through the little stuff. And I try not to belittle my challenges. Slaying little dragons is my current task. My favorite poem I've written is this:



Sunday Cool -best song

These guys have the best podcast and they always do a song to start it off and this is my favorite one because it's about Alien and Bigfoot and he uses a funny voice synthesizer.


Paragon in Cloudland!


Super happy with my progress designing games in Unreal Engine.

I finished SmartPoly's youtube tutorial called Blueprint for Beginners, and he also has an intermediate and expert one I want to try. I also took a lot from other people and put my own ideas into the game.

Today I downloaded a character in the marketplace for free and it said it works for windows only but I just stole the mesh from it and it works surprisingly well.

The character is from Paragon which is a game I've never played but Unreal made it so they've released it for free after shutting down the servers of the game that was released in 2016. Due to the success of Unreal Engine itself, and Fortnite microtransactions, Epic Games can do things other creators cannot afford to do, and that's really cool. I still wish they would give me a proper sequel to Unreal Tournament 2004 though. I guess I'll have to do it myself one day!

In my game demo I show how I added respawns, teleporters, and ragdoll effects.

My first Garage Band Track

Maxwell · Santa Barbara

I am a total novice in Garage Band but I recorded this old original song with the Guitar and the Vocals on seperate tracks to sound more professional.


Eminem Lyrical Lemonade

I'm working 6 days in a row but at least Eminem is here to make my night better with a new song.

"Either God is real, or we're in Hell"

This is my favorite channel on bitchute. It's hardcore truth, very disturbing content and hard to listen to, but if you are craving real truth content this is it, in my opinion. In particular I like the final interview where the guy who was ritually abused says he found God and the interviewers say how the evil is real and must have a counterpoint, and then the guy says,

"Either God is real, or we're in hell."


Sunday Cool Tees Podcasts

This is my new favorite podcast. I first saw them on youtube shorts and instagram reels with interesting conspiracy theories or more like scary stories, but the whole atmosphere is so much fun and also they are the right amount of Christian so I just truly love their content. They're also musical and they have this great balance of humor and content, they even have like SNL-level skits that catch you off guard. They remind me of the chemistry of the Fantasy Footballers except their content isn't as mindnumbingly boring.

Youtube Short of 2pac questioning the ethics of having tens of millions of dollars when other people are starving.


Cloudland Latest Demo

Today I started a new project and rebuilt everything I've learned and added some additional functionality which is a locker that has a pinup girl on the inside like in Metal Gear Solid.

I also added some soccer functionality

3.9.24 / ongoing

Jordan Peterson addresses congress about the dangers of China's social credit system Skynet.

It's always chilling to me the way people are interuppted when speaking to congress. There's a certain air of "We don't care what you have to say".

I think what he's describing in China sounds a lot like hell on Earth, and I definitely do not consent with that stuff coming here.




I want to make a finished product in Unreal Engine 5 by 2025.


Thought Police (Post of the Month)


You know what's great about this website? I'm honest. Even if I'm flat out wrong, I'm telling you what I truly believe. I'm also not pretending to be objective while slamming a narrative down your throat. I'm not virtue-signaling or pushing an agenda without admitting to it openly. This site is my subjective opinion on reality. That must be nice to read. For example, Dr. Simone Gold is a doctor-lawyer and the head of an organization of doctors that question and criticize how the pandemic is handled. If you google her, it will pretend to be objective information but it will all be designed to make you hate her and discredit her and her organization.

The poor girl has all her videos censored on her website and I think is in jail right now for involvement in the white house riot. Here is a blog post by her.

This video is the reason I'm a fan of her. Notice how I couldn't use YouTube. I may not agree with everything she says but I do not think she's some crazy irrational extremist like google wants you to think.

If you type her name into youtube you won't find a single video of her speaking on the front page. The top result is a different doctor probably disagreeing with her. She's been banned and the company google which controls your search results for facts and videos has a clear agenda to prevent you from giving her a chance to speak.

Perhaps that doesn't frighten you. I'm trying to get closer to Jesus and he said in the Bible to not call other people fools. I am a fool to Jesus. And if I judge others as fools the same will be done to me in heaven, or at least that's what Jesus hinted at.

Google was pretty close to hiring me. They wanted me be a part of their youtube team and design the web platform for gaming or something like youtube gaming to compete with Twitch I think. I wanted the job and I almost got it. And then maybe I'd be with them, and driving a nicer car and watching the world burn. I'm not holier than thou. If they had let me join them, I probably would have.

It's funny because youtube and google have gotten so much worse since they interviewed me in 2018. In the past three years it's gone from far and away the best to borderline useless. I youtube Dr Simone Gold and get zero videos of her when she has hundreds? Nice job, youtube. You suck. I google a doctor lawyer and see her labeled as such "Simone Gold is an American doctor, anti-vaccine activist, author, and founder of America's Frontline Doctors, a right-wing political organization known for spreading misinformation concerning the COVID-19 pandemic." Thanks Google. Wikipedia's probably fucked too now.

How about "Simone Gold is a doctor-lawyer with some alternative views on the pandemic and is the head of an organization of doctors offering alternative solutions to covid"

Which one is more objective? And again, I'm a subjective dude, so how am I so able to out-do google in this respect?

A subjective thing on the other side of the pendulum I could say about her is "Simone Gold is a doctor-lawyer banned from youtube for countering the covid mainstream narrative. She is the head of an organization of doctors debunking public knowledge of Covid and exposing the lies and corruption within the medical industry using her education and experience."

That would be too subjective for a search engine, but it's one of the 3 examples of how you could introduce someone to her, and notice how google is not giving you the objective one.


Calling what she is saying "dangerous misinformation" is not objective. Who decides what misinformation is? Facts are in dispute. Do you really want your goverment or big tech to be able to decide what's true? My definition of disinformation is from the movie The Departed with Leo DiCaprio. He is undercover and wants to find the mole in the police so he tells the police captain to tell a only certain detective unit SIU some bullshit information so he can see if it comes out on his end with the crime boss. If he gets the information that means they've narrowed the mole down to that specific police unit. Disinformation therefore is information that is purposefully incorrect, that can be used to track the spread of that information. That's what Tyrion Lannister did to Pycelle when he told a bunch of different people he was planning on marrying Marcella to different grooms. Whichever groom Cersei found out about meant that Tyrion could trace who was talking to Cercei. I hope that makes sense to you if you've seen Game of Thrones or the Departed. Now you understand what "Disinformation" actually is. Okay so what's "misinformation"? Not only that, but "dangerous misinformation"? They have to throw in the word "dangerous" in front of it to justify trumping freedom of speech. Just like if you read a mainstream article about Covid they have to say "deadly" in front of the word virus to get you to accept the new restrictions. Voltaire said, "The adjective is the enemy of the noun". Using an adjective completely distracts from the noun slipped in. They know about these tactics and use them extremely well on your mind whether you like it or not. That's what's happening.

Okay so what is misinformation? Misinformation is infromation that is false, but not necessarily purposefully so. To disinform is to lie to someone on purpose like I said before. To misinform is to give someone infromation that is false. If I think the moon is made of cheese, and I tell you it is made of cheese I have misinformed you. If I know the moon is not made of cheese, and tell you that it is, then I have disinformed you. Okay so google is claiming that Dr Simone Gold is sharing information about covid that is false, but that she doesn't know is false. One way to look at disinformation is as a subset of misinformation but I think it's useful to distinguish the two. But hold on, like I said, they are making an even bolder claim. See it wouldn't be enough to censor her if she was simply saying the moon is made of cheese and believing it. It has to be dangerous.

Dangerous misinformation would have to be so dangerous to listen to that they have a moral obligation to prevent the spread of its information. First of all, that should be insulting to your intelligence that Big Brother Google thinks they have to police what you listen to because you're too stupid to decide for yourself what makes sense.

So on what grounds could information from a doctor-lawyer be so "dangerous" and "false" that you must be protected from it?

Let's go with it. Let's say hypothetically that Covid-19 is extremely deadly, makes your skin fall off, and turns you into a zombie that only wants to eat brains. Let's also say that there is a vaccine that makes you immune to it and all other treatments do not work whatsoever. Let's also say that you are a suggestible moron incapable of listening to multiple sources of information and making up your own mind. Furthermore, let's also assume that Dr Simone Gold is a doctor and lawyer but doesn't understand medicine or law, and is hellbent on sharing her perspective and strongly recommending not to take the vaccine if you are under the age of 50. She is pushing alternative treatments that do not work whatsoever, and she is very convincing with her attractive personality and speech skills and education and experience. If she were uncensored, millions of people would buy her snake oil and reject the vaccine, causing millions of deaths and countless misery.


Okay, that would be best case scenario for Google to justify her censorship on youtube, correct? If all those extreme cases were true in this hypothetical example, would it be justified to remove her videos from where people go to watch videos? Maybe? I suppose so? But if covid is really that bad and she's really that misinformed, how could she be so convincing? Why would anyone even listen to her at all? Why wouldn't you just take the vaccine and prevent your skin from falling off? Why would her medical and law degree not apply to her knowledge on the subject? Clearly, things are not so simple. Clearly, Google is tilting the battlefield of information to one side.

And here I am, tilting it 1 degree in the opposite direction, toward objectivity, with my subjective opinion. Thank you for reading.

Hummingbird (Post of the Month #2)



There is a hummingbird that hangs out by my office. When I go to the break room, I can see him through the window hovering close to the window, almost asking me to come out and play.

I go out the door and around the corner and he buzzes around me then perches on a nearby tree. Whenever we get close, I stop moving, so as not to frighten him. Then he jumped off the tree and flew a circle around me before landing on a higher tree farther away. The manuever was incredibly fast and agile. It was as if he was showing off.

I think the bird is a male because it is bright blue. In case you don't know, male birds are often the bright ones and use it to attract females.

When I interact with this hummingbird, it seems intelligent. I feel like it knows things about me, that it couldn't deduce using it's small brain. I just feel like it knows who I am. The hummingbird is conscious, like me, and the same spirit that is animating me is also animating it. Therefore, we are connected through the larger consciousness and somehow, the bird knows me. I think the bird is more connected to the larger consciousness than I am, but I'm just connected enough for him to be able to pick up on that and show me his cool tricks.

If God was real, how could you best learn about him?

Is God Real? Talk about Occam's razor. To remove God from the equation and try to explain the creation of the universe is much more daunting. If God is real, then has he ever made himself known or tried to contact us? If so, was it with Jesus Christ?

The fascinating thing about Jesus is his words are the closest thing we have to learning about God. Assuming God is real, is there a better way to get to know him than potentially his only son? Even the Mormon's prefer Jesus to Joseph Smith, right? Do Muslim's prefer Muhammad to Jesus? I just read about it and apparently they think Jesus was not divine. They think he was the messiah and born of a virgin but they deny his death on the cross. It's interesting. They believe in the second coming. They just think Muhammad came after Jesus and was the final word of God. Okay, so your top two options are Jesus and Muhammad so far to learn about God.

If God is not real, then who would your best teacher be, and what would you even be learning about? Would you learn from Neil Degrasse tyson about the universe?

What's more interesting?

A) Learning about your universe from other people using science by getting up to speed with how much the smartest human knows today

B) Learning about your universe from God who created it and knows everything by deciphering the words of his only son

If you examine the best case scenario of option A and option B... well option A... becoming the smartest person alive would still leave countless questions.

With option B you at least have the best case scenario of having basically all your questions as answerable by God. The smartest man alive today knows next to nothing compared to what God would know if he is real.

Here's the kicker, what if he is real, and he gave his only son to teach you the things you need to know about him, and you just blew him off? Are you not blowing him off? Even if God wasn't real. The risk is monumental. It would probably still be a good idea to read the Bible and study Jesus even if God wasn't real.

What am I getting at? Well, when you give Jesus a chance and actually listen to what he said, he says there is a narrow road to heaven whereas the path to destruction is wide.

Just for the sake of argument, if we assume for a moment that God is real, and Jesus is his son, then the Son of God has plainly told you that most people will not be doing the right thing. I'm paraphrasing but he basically says if you are to get into heaven, you will be persecuted by others. He says you will not be part of the crowd. So my question is this. If you're part of the crowd, and you think everything is alright in the world, then shouldn't what Jesus said trouble you?

In other words, if you aren't persecuted, if people don't hate you, and you aren't basically by yourself on a narrow road while everyone else walks the broad road, then shouldn't you be worried?

My point is that you cannot simultaneously believe in Jesus, and also go along with the world and what it's doing. The two simply do not go together. It's impossible to believe in Jesus, and understand what he said, and then just have a bunch of opinions that everyone else more or less agrees with.

You have to be hated. Your beliefs have to be despised. You must be persecuted for them and endure til the end, and keep the faith. That's what Jesus said would happen. I also think that Jesus made a lot of predictions while he was alive. Some of them came true like when he said he would rise from the dead in 3 days. He also said he is coming back like a thief in the night. I think he wanted to show he could make predictions and follow through during his life, so that we have good reason to believe him about his unfullfilled predictions.

If all Jesus did was make unfullfilled predictions we wouldn't be waiting around for him. It's precisely because some of his predictions have already come to pass that we trust his unfullfilled predictions will come to pass.

When people attack me for trying to understand the truth of reality, it hurts at first, but at the end, it actually feels good because it confirms what Jesus predicted. If no one was attacking me, then Jesus would be wrong, therefore not divine. But If what Jesus said would happen comes true, then his divinity is irrefutable.

Two Roads


Imagine there are two roads for the human population.

One road has a sign over it that says "Jesus is Divine" and the other road has a sign over it saying "Jesus is not Divine"

If the human population went down that fork in the road and you could look at a bird's eye view you would see something very interesting happen.

If most of the people went down the "Jesus is not Divine" path, then Jesus would be proven correct, therefore all of those people would be wrong.

If most of the people went down the "Jesus is Divine" path, then Jesus would not be divine, because his prediction would have been false.

The only way he is divine is if most people decide he is not!

The surest way to God is to make sure your beliefs are in the minority, and they are unpopular. If you have a popular opinion on a spiritual matter, then you are doomed, essentially. Either there is No God, or there is and you missed him, on the wide road. On the narrow road, at least there's a chance God is there at the end.

The only way to get your questions answered is to make sure you're on the narrow road.

If you go down the narrow road thinking there is a God when there actually is not, then what's the downside? You live a wholesome life and miss out on a bunch of sin you really wanted to do? You get persecuted for standing up for your beliefs when you could have just went along with what everyone else thinks? You give too much of your money away to charity when you should have kept it for yourself? What is so bad about that situation?

Compare the worse case scenario of the narrow road to the worse case scenario of the wide road. Burning in Hell or even just missing out on God and Heaven. Major bummer.

In conclusion, if most people believed in Jesus, that would disprove the words of Jesus, therefore, most people would be wrong. If only some people believe in him, then his word is true, and most people would be wrong again. Either way most people are wrong about Jesus.


If Jesus wasn't divine, and most people think he wasn't divine, then most people would be right about thinking Jesus wasn't divine.

Narrow would be the road to insanity and broad would be the road to common sense

That must be how the people on the broad road think it's happening. But by walking that path together, they fulfill Jesus's words. The insane people have reason to keep going down the narrow road, and the popular people have reason to turn back.

Jesus may or may not be at the end of the narrow road, but he is most certainly not at the end of the Broad road. So please, call me crazy as I take my chances with the narrow road to Jesus because I love him, and you're proving us both right.


I like this speech. I aspire to be more like Achilles.

I want to lead men into war. A spiritual war.


If you chase me

Then I'll just fly up here

And I'll just sit up here

And I'll just stay up here

And if you try to bring me down

Then I'll just come back down

You still can't catch me now

So I will go back up

I tried to bring him up

Lord knows I tried

He lost his way somehow

Commited Suicide

I guess I'll just have to find another soul to save

another soul to save

Just I just think I have to save the day


Goldmine of Info. Grimes?

We all kinda know aliens are gonna happen at some point, right?


My only friend who I feel is always ahead of me when it comes to truth just sent me this image.

I think it has to do with Elon Musk's new wife.

The Illuminati fake moon landings and believe in the stars and black magic.

I'm on cloud 9 right now so I don't want to talk conspiracies, just leaving this photo for those with eyes to see.


Innocent Until Proven Guilty

God Bless Deshaun Watson, who has always been a stand up guy and given all the credit to Jesus.

Ever since I was a kid I wanted the Browns to have an Elite QB and we finally have one. I'm so happy we moved on from Baker and swung for the fences.

Super bowl here we come.

He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.


Lost Coastlines - Okkervil River - Cover

I might make a /covers page and put all my covers on there because they don't really belong anywhere else.


Elden Ring


I just bought Elden Ring. I haven't played it yet but I've watched some video reviews.

I've never played a Souls game before but I loved Skyrim and my friend recommended this game to me.

George R.R. Martin wrote part of the story and I am a fan of his writing because I loved watching Game of Thronens

I think it's so cool how great video games have become and how they now can snag the best actors, writers, and creative directors.

Far Cry using the bad guy from Breaking Bad was a nice touch, and I also loved Kiefer Sutherland as Solid Snake.

I will eventually write a review on Elden Ring. For now you can check out my other game reviews I've written.

I can tell you my goal will be the same as Skyrim which is to be able to have a mage build that focuses on destruction magic and conjuration. Then I like to roam around and do whatever I want and hunt for soul gems and focus on enchanting. That's my Skyrim style and I've heard it will fit right in to Elden Ring so I'm excited.


Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe

This might be my new favorite Okkervil River song, and that's saying something.



Paul Morphy vs. Alpha Zero

Paul Morphy was the first unofficial world champion. He also is the screenname of my latest opponent.

I've been studying a book called Game Changer about Alpha Zero chess artificial intelligence from self learning algorithms.

I'm interested in applying the inhuman strategies to my games and in this game I have finally done it. I made an impossible bishop move and sacrificed almost all my pieces for the dub. It's my most beatiful game I've ever played.


Liar Liar



In my last post in the video I talk about how everyone lies in the world and how it would be better if we told the truth.

Then I mentioned Liar Liar and how I wanted to watch it again to see if telling the truth worked out for him in the end.

I just rewatched it on the free streaming site I mentioned and I laughed my ass off. He's a phenomenal actor and comedian.

Then I started watching a video of his recent philosophy and he talks about the meaning of life as loving yourself and being visible and true to others. His philosophy ties into my own in the previous post.

Rejection Letters

Jim's philosophy is dope. He talks about how he used visualization of director's interest even when he had nothing. After coding bootcamp, I was getting rejection letters from job applications and I was getting tired of the dynamic so I switched it. I decided to write a rejection letter to Google. I wrote out by hand a real document turning down a google job saying that I appreciate their offer but I'd like to focus on my own company, website, and video games I was making. After writing the rejection letter to Google, I just started focusing on my work instead of applying for jobs and then Amazon and Google recruiters reached out to me and gave me multiple interviews. I also had a visualization experience in College where I watched a hypnotic video saying over and over that "pretty girls are vying for my attention" because I was tired of trying to find a girlfriend. I met my girlfriend for that year the next day in the dining hall. Something about changing your mentality produces results so fast it's amazing. Instead of viewing myself as looking for a GF or job at Google, I thought intead of a reality where they are seeking me, and then they did. Immediately. That to me is pretty strong evidence of parallel universes and creating your own reality by making conscious choices that somehow affect what happens to you.


Mad Max at it again


$25,000 of Knowledge in 1 Hour

How I coded my music app


Vengeance is Mine

I take my Vengeance upon Stockfish 2300


No planes, No forests?


This sculpture, The Sansevero Chapel in Naples, was made out of marble 200 years ago.

It kind of makes you wonder where these artistic achievements are today?

And how were they able to do that so well without technology?

"There are no Forests on Earth" is a fascinating video I forgot existed. It's a wild theory that mesas are sawed off tree trunks of ancient trees. It challenges our version of history.


DJ Aliens


DJ Aliens is a new webpage I have made that lets you choose from different alien DJ's who play you different tracks. Artwork is by Elias Ravenetti


The Phantom Enemy



The Government always needs a boogeyman. Have you read Animal Farm by George Orwell? It's a book about a farm with talking animals, where one of the pigs takes complete control of the other animals. He has them working extremely hard to build a mill. Then, when the mill is finally built, he has it torn down and blames Snowball, the rabbit from the beginning of the book who fled during the initial power struggle. That's just off the top of my head. But the main point of the book was showing how the person in power needs a bad guy to blame all their people's problems on, otherwise people with shitty lives will look to the government and blame the government. So the government has to redirect this blame to a scapegoat. That's the way it's always been.


In my lifetime, my government has blamed terrorism. They blame terrorism for why they need to spend trillions on war and kill millions of people and breach all our privacy. I think about 20 years after 9/11 people could see with their own eyes that there really aren't that many terrorists around. That ISIS stuff wasn't really scaring anyone anymore, so they had to cook up a new boogeyman. Enter coronavirus. The new 9/11. Basically nothing happened. It was just a story in the news where some new virus sprung up in Wuhan. Then it spreads across the world. Whatever. But no, we have to literally shut down businesses, school, get me fired from my job at the time, and put the entire would into a facemask for the majority of their day. It's astronomically stupid. People just went along with it. I even had one of my best friends get on my case saying to "social distance" and "wash your hands" that was probably before the "wear a mask" was even pushed as the moral and scientific thing to do.

The best thing about scaring everyone over a virus is that you cannot see a virus with the naked eye. So although there is basically no virus, just like there is basically no terrorism, you have the idiot argument of it being invisible to the naked eye. You know what? The virus itself is naked to the eye but if this pandemic was real you would be able to see people sick with your naked eye. You would hear people sneezing coughing, being too sick to go out on their birthday. That's not what's happening. If the goddamn news didn't exist, you wouldn't even know there was a pandemic. It's complete and utter bullshit. All I see with my own experience is healthy people in masks. All I see is a dress code. Healthy people keeping their distance from other healthy people, covering their healthy faces, and then rushing to get an experimental mRNA vaccine.

The people with brains who see no logical reason to get a vaccine are going to be tracked and targeted. I just heard Oregon is already considering bringing these temporary restrictions into permanent law, and having a database track everyone who refuses vaccines. How long before the non-vaxxed are treated like second-class citizens? I'm healthy. I feel fine. I shouldn't be required to take a bullshit vaccine for a disease I'm not even afraid of. If Covid gets me and I die so be it. I'm not willing to wear a mask all day and socially distance. Why don't you wear a helmet all day and when you're driving? Technically that'd be much safer. Who gives a shit.

I bet you there are people who wear a mask in a car and don't wear a seatbelt. I bet you that type of moron actually exists.


What's gov's plan with this? A never-ending war against an invisable enemy? A wonderful excuse to track everyone who isn't falling perfectly inline with your new world order. It's just beyond me that people I know line up for the vaccine. Have fun with your double masks, guys. I heard it would be safer to wear 3. You don't want to wear 3 masks? Having trouble breathing? You're putting grammie at risk you selfish bastard. How dare you want to be able to breathe or smile. So selfish.

It's spring break time in Miami and the government is trying to keep people from leaving their homes, basically. There is a curfew enforced under the guise of coronavirus. If you turn on the news about Miami they'll just show footage of a guy with a breathing tube in a hospital in miami and then cut to the crowds and talk about how irresponsible spring breakers are and how Miami is having a rise in cases. It's a complete lie, how people don't see it is another topic entirely.


These spring breakers want to have fun. The government is ready with military police with batons and crowd dispersing technology to prevent them from enjoying themselves. That's what's happening. Nobody wants this evil government's protection because there is simply no threat! We can handle a couple terrorists in a cave in afganistan and a new coronavirus. It's not that big of a deal. With a military on 1/100th of the budget and with no covid restricitons we'd all still be alive and probably much better off.

Welcome to Animal Farm. I'm glad you like your pen. And remember, if your freedom is shrinking, it's all Snowball's fault.

And the Oscar Goes to...


Play Video?

I really don't like my last post. I was frustrated and tired when I wrote it.

Matthew 23:12 For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

Jesus gave an example of this where he said when you stay at a friend's house you should take the least auspicious seat in the house. When your friend sees you sitting in a humble seat he will say, "Friend, I have a better seat for you" and you will be honored in front of all the guests. On the other hand, if when you go to your friend's house you grab the best seat you can find, your friend will come and say, "you have to move to make room for someone else."

That's a pretty badass way to go about things, if you ask me. Maybe Jesus knows that it's human nature to build up the humble and to knock down the exalted.

He's giving sage advice and I wish I could listen better.

It's really hard for me to not brag about how smart I am, because I want people to listen to me about what I think is going on.

Instead, I will try my best to humbly explain my beleifs, and then maybe if they have merit I can help someone else reach the same truth.

My humble opinion

I've heard there are around 50 people who survived both the Las Vegas shooting and the Borderline Shooting.

I know where Borderline is. I've driven by it many times and I almost went there once because of the girl I liked at the time. She was my prettiest facebook friend and I sent her a song and asked her out and she said yes. That's probably the only time that's ever worked hahaha but she really was something else.

She ended up moving somewhere so I didn't go to Borderline with her. Anyway, what are the chances of being shot at in Las Vegas and then also shot at at Borderline?

Is it possible these events are fake and they are reusing the same crisis actors?

This guy, Mike Cronk, is being interviewed after surviving the mass shooting. He is alone with a microphone! There is even a clip of him grabbing the microphone from the reporter, and they let him do it. It's insane. Then he says "My Buddy" got shot. He never says the name of his friend. It's so bizarre. He says "My Buddy" like 50 times and never mentions a first name? I'd be like, "My buddy Jim" you know? Also him taking the mic is so bizarre. He's like a real pro. Any normal person would let the reporter hold the mic and talk when he's asked questions only. Not just grab the mic and steal the show. It's so fucking weird man. I don't have an explanation for you I'm just pointing out how strange his behavior is.

Here's the video of him snatching the mic. It's actually funny. Then he does more bizarre things. They say he's an ex-teacher. The guy's built like a truck and looks more ex-military than "retired teacher." The reporter tells Mike what happened to Mike and then Mike says, "True". The reporter even implies that mike is being too casual and then mike starts to cry on queue. It's so fucking weird man. Who is this guy? They say they found him on the street, head in his hands, and shirtless because he used his shirt to stop the bleeding of his friend.

Now he's got a shirt on, he's grabbing the mic telling the story casually and not even naming his friend who's bleeding out somewhere. I would be pretty eager to leave the interview and go with my "buddy" to the hospital and that's where my focus would be. This guy is focused on giving a good performance and that's it.

This guy is now a politician, so it's pretty clear to me he was rewarded for his fake story with a seat at the table.

People get offended when other people suggest events like this are fake. It's considered insensitive. I guess if I was involved in a real shooting I would be upset if people said it was fake, but I'm not sure. If I was a survivor of real gunfire, and I was interviewed about it and people said my interview was fake, would I really be that offended? I don't know. If I had a loved one or friend die in front of me and was interviewed about it and people said I was lying would I be offended? I don't think I would care. I wouldn't even give interviews! I would go home a lock my self in my room for weeks. These actors just immediately go on camera and are eager to share their story. It's fucking weird, man. It really is. "We thought it was fireworks" Shut the fuck up.

I'm gonna try to examine the reality of these mass shootings without offending the families of the victims if they were real.

I admit that it doesn't make sense to have a bunch of crisis actors running around keeping their mouths shut. Within the normal version of reality, the idea of crisis actors doesn't really fit. How could they be kept quiet? How are entire lives used for just one event? Did the kids really die in Sandy Hook or were they just fake pictures? The theory of crisis actors just doesn't add up. However, when you watch some of these interviews the people are clearly acting. It's bizarre.

On the one hand, it would be impossible for a secret society to pull off these fake events and have a bunch of fake crisis actors keep quiet. On the other hand, you have actors clearly faking, or pictures recycled for different children, or just plain bad actors.

So the only explanation is to turn reality upside down and throw it out the window. It's possible there are shapeshifters. It's possible that not all people are the same. These "Crisis Actors" could just be a few shapeshifters posing as real people. Anything is on the table to explain how they have all these crisis actors.

Crisis Actors

There's nothing real about this lady. She is reading from a script and more focused on pushing gun control than mourning her son. It's bizarre and just plain bad acting.

Was she at one point a real person with a real life and then they just killed her, cloned her, and had her do this clip? Is this a shapeshifter taking her form and she's tied up somewhere? Is she totally real and has just been brainwashed by the media to demand gun control? Did she write this script herself of was it handed to her with some money under the table? I don't know, but I do know that Robert Downey Jr. is more authentic as Iron Man then she is about mourning her son. Is the son even dead, did they even exist before this? I don't know, but all I know is she's serving the agenda of the media. I don't know if she was hypnotized or what. Anything is on the table except for this being a real interview from a real mom about a real son getting shot.

Then we have my favorite actor, Gene Rosen, who allegedly sheltered kids from the Sandy Hook shooting.

This guy is 100% lying about his experience sheltering kids from the shooter.

I get that it doesn't make sense that our government would pay him to lie about this but I'm just saying he is clearly lying. It's not possible to watch these clips in a vaccumm and think they are real.

Is he just a failed actor who was approched and told, "look we have a part for you in a new fake school shooting. All you have to do is get interviewed and make up a story about hearing the shots and seeing kids and taking them into your home. We'll pay your 500K per year for the rest of your life if you keep quiet and if you talk we will kill your whole family. Sign here.

That scenario just doesn't make sense, and yet, here he is on video, more full of shit then a contruction site's portapotty.

I was going to keep my previous posts unedited for authenticity, but I'm going to go back and tweak some of them just to humble myself. I don't want to exalt myself so I will be humbled. I want to humble myself so I will be exalted.

Fake News

You know what you'll never hear on a newscast?

Here are tonight's top stories:

Coronavirus cases are at an all time low, looks like our immune system is winning the battle and adapting faster then the virus can adapt to new strains. We should be able to take our masks off and get rid of social distancing now.

The world is safer this year than it was last year so we'll be reducing our military spending by 2 trillion dollars this year and donating it to homeless shelters.

A recent study has shown that people are evolving and want peace. We do not forsee any major wars in the future.

In other news, the lack of terrorist attacks for over a decade have cause the US to rethink it's military occupation of the middle east. We found no weapons of mass destruction so we'll be pulling back the troops and ending wars around the world.

This just in, the coronavirus experimental vaccine does not prevent you from catching the disease or passing it on and it also doesn't allow you to take your mask off so there's actually no benefit to taking it.

In other news, scientists are now considering the light in the sky called the moon is actually a light instead of just a rock reflecting light.

Also it's been more than 50 years since we said we walked on the moon, perhaps that mission was faked.

And finally, the voyager sent out into space somewhere around pluto has run out of batteries or malfunctioned and no one is there to repair it so it will no longer be sending back signals to earth on old technology. Sharon? Back to you.

"Thanks Tom."

Here's how Family Guy makes fun of the news. Notice the poking fun at the fake news with the fake gunshot noises.

Also I will include a clip of Between Two Ferns because I think he's hilarious.

Thank you for reading.

Mental Torture


This is part of a documentary that shows how the TV footage on 9/11 was faked.

For example, the nose of the plane travels through the building and then the camera fades to black in an attempt to hide the mistake.

If you think about it as a false flag it makes more sense to use a missile disguised as a plane or to use a bomb then it does to actually risk using inexperienced hijackers to pilot into the tower.

It's difficult for me to even wrap my mind around what people think happened.

It's not possible to watch these 10 minutes without understanding the footage was faked.

Moving on

I don't know why people think 9/11 was as reported. I don't think anyone my age is changing their mind either.

No one wants to talk about it and I'm the bad guy for bringing it up or accusing the government and the media.

I think the reason people cannot understand it was not as reported is because they lack a suitable substitute explanation. I'm comfortable with abandoning what I know is wrong, even if there is no satisfactory alternative. I'll just research it until I figure it out. I like figuring things out.

In chess I am in the top 1000 players. But I really don't have the talent to be number 1 or even the desire. My only desire is to understand the moves the number 1 player makes. And even the google supercomputer when it plays chess, I want to understand it and appreciate it's genius.


I'm like Mozart's composer friend or Will Hunting's professor except I'm not bitter that I'm not the best. I'm just glad I'm able to understand the best.

That problem that he's solving on the blackboard? I'm the type of person that researches exactly what problem he's solving. And spends a whole day solving it myself. Do I get paid for that? No. But that's just what I do. I figure shit out.

In chess for example, I just lost a couple games in a row because of time trouble. I realize that I really enjoy the complexity of chess and I like searching for the best move and understanding why it is the best.

I'm not as interested in beating my opponent as I am with understanding the best moves.

If 9/11 was real there would be remastered high-definition video of the planes hitting their spots. Instead we have a bunch of crap. There would also be perhaps helicopters rescuing people from the roof.

When the building's were hit, they just stood there smoking, and then I don't think anyone expected them to completly collapse and be eviscerated. Did you really think they were going to crumble into dust?

Planes hit. Building remains standing. Smokes, some fires. Then complete and utter collapse into itself at near-freefall speed. They were suddenly pulverized. It makes no sense.

The Planes didn't even hit and they certainly didn't bring down the buildings. If planes had the ability to bring down a building then the building would immediately collapse from the impact of the plane. like boom. It makes no sense to take the hit, stand there for 15 minutes, and then collapse due to the fires. Fires don't cause an entire skyscraper to collapse like that.

I really don't know what to say. I'm not even trying to convince anyone anymore. It is what it is. For whatever reason, people just don't get it. There remains the possiblity that I'm wrong and everyone believing CNN is right, but then why am I so smart in other objective areas? Shouldn't you be able to beat me on a math test, or a chess game? Shouldn't I be somewhat retarded to believe something so insane? Like how does this make any sense guys. Shouldn't I be drooling down my shirt? Shouldn't I be stupid and not understand physics or math or anything applicable to what happened on 9/11?

Shouldn't I not be able to read a book? Shouldn't I not have a college degree? Shouldn't I not have a job? Why do I think what the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists think? How does that make any sense. Why do I consistently test in the 99th percentile in basically any subject, and then the moment I try to disagree with someone they think I'm the one who is incorrect? Why is that? Why am I not allowed to teach anyone anything? Did you know the only people I've ever taught anything have been little children in a classroom? Adults are completely incapable of learning anything from me. It's makes no difference what I know; I'm simply not allowed to teach anyone anything because no one lets me explain anything. They would rather call me crazy.

I'm not crazy. I'm telling you reality is fucking weird. It's alive. It's a liar. It's not normal. It's not static. It's fluid and dynamic and it comes from us instead of us coming from it. You all have it completely backwards and upside down.

Every single thing you've been told is a bonafide lie. Literally none of it is true. I know because I can jump into any subject and understand it well enough to know it's not true.

The moon, for example, makes no logical sense. We are told it lights up the night because it reflects the rays of the sun. That doesn't make any sense. It's obviously a light source. You cannot just have a rock sphere with a surface of dust reflect light like a frickin mirror. It's glowing! Nothing makes sense if you really think about it.

I could be wrong about the moon. I'm willing to change my mind. I only just starting thinking about it because of the audiobook I'm reading by Quantum of Conscience. But, it certainly looks like a light.

The Devil Symbology

I was watching Spiderman 1 recently, the Sam Raimi version with Tobey Mcguire, and the movie was buffering. While it was buffering, I scanned the new york background, the signs. 999 was huge on a sign. That is 666 upside down, the number of the beast. Then later when Mary Jane is walking down a dark alley, she walks by a sign that is literally a red pentagram, a symbol of the devil.

These are things I only caught because I was looking for them and it froze to buffer. Do I think Sam Raimi wanted an upside down 666 and a pentagram in those scenes? No. Did a producer sneak it into the background? Maybe. Was it just mandela effected and put in there later? I don't know. But I highly doubt it's just a bunch of humans in a cabaal. It's not natural.

Somehow, this satanic symbology seeps into everything we consume. I don't understand it fully, but I think it is supernatural.

I do not think life is boring. I think life is a fascinating experience where somehow the devil is controlling it and God is letting him.

I think people have goals and their brains filter out what isn't helping them achieve their goals so if your goal is not to understand the nature of reality you will not be able to see any of this.

I leave you with my latest chess vid, because it finally finished processing. Gary Kasparov once said, "Chess is Mental Torture." Here's proof:

All Time High - 985th in the World -- 2064 Rating



I just reached a rating of 2064 in classical chess on That's ranked 985th in the world.

Classical chess means the time control with the most amount of time. I usually play 30 minute games with zero time increment (time added per move).

The more time I have the better I am able to do.

In this game I played a queens gambit accepted where I took the pawn and tried to hold onto it.

I didn't just grab it immediately and then try to defend it. I planned ahead and prepared taking it by using the Caro Kahn defense by playing c6. Then when I take on c4 I have b5 supported by the pawn on c6.

I also bring my bishop out and exchange off his knight to further control the b5 square so I can always have a pawn protecting the pawn on c4.

Normally white tries to take back the pawn on c4 with an attack but in this game it backfired.

Then I hopped my knight into a great position and had the opportunity to take his bishop. However, I decided to leave my strong knight there and then he lashes out in an uncomfortable postion which blunders my knight fork.

After winning the exchange I trade knights and have an opportunity to win his bishop with 17. b5

That would trap his bishop and probably force resignation but instead I quickly played c5 which was my only mistake in the game. I played it because I wanted to get my bishop some scope and also I saw that the pawn storm would become overwhelming to my opponent.

c5 is a good move but it's not winning a piece the way b5 would have.

At this level, even when you're dominating your opponent in a won position, they're going to recognize that they cannot win a long game and throw everything at your king to try to force checkmate.

I see the threats coming and decide to go take a pawn with my queen anyway because I'm not too worried about it and thought I was adequately defended.

However on move 27.Qg4 I realized he's threatening to play Bxh6 and then checkmate on the next move with Qxg7. I cannot take the bishop because the Queen pins my pawn to my king. So for that reason I slide over with Kh8.

On that move is when I started thinking, "What if he plays Bxh6 anyway to open up his rook and queen?"

bishop sacrifice

I would have to play gxh6 to stop the original mating idea with queen and bishop. But taking with the g pawn in that direction opens up the follow up move Rf3! threatening mate in one with Rxh6.

rook lift

Within that variation I was calculating how to defend against Rxh6 when he played 28.Bd4? instead of 28.Bxh6 and at that point the game is over because I'm no longer getting mated in any variation. Really bad move by him and I guess he either didn't spot Rh3 or he did spot it and he also spotted my miraculous defense.

If you try to defend h6 with the king by playing Kh7 after Rf3 then he has Qf4 piling up on the h6 pawn and successfully attacking my king. Computer says that variation is a draw or even.

However after Rf3! I have Qc5+ and after king moves I have Qe3 defending h6 and threatening Qg5 stopping everything.

queen defense

That's an incredible defensive resource that makes it -16 in favor of black but it is the only move to defend against the Bxh6 Rf3 combination.

I didn't have time to find it in the game because he played something else but I'm not sure I would have found it because it's basically facing checkmate in one move and yet calculating two queen moves that save the day because of check. The Queen on c6 looks so out of position to stop the attack on the king however it can swing around the back with a check and solve all my problems.

Disappointing that my opponent didn't play that, but it shows the danger of playing someone at this level. Even in a game where almost everything went right for me I was still in some serious danger.


Will I hit 2100? I don't know but I'm only a few consecutive wins away. I've mostly been beating up on 1900s and low 2000s but I think I'll have to beat a 2100 to become 2100.

Like Neo in the Matrix, sooner or later, someone has to beat an agent.



Once upon a time, there was a society that had a scoreboard with everyone's name on it and a number next to it.

Points are awarded for making money, buying cool things, and having sex.

Each sex act accomplished is multiplied by the 1-10 hotness of your partner and added onto your total.


Points are awarded for driving a nice car, or having a nice house, or having a hot girlfriend.

Points are awarded for having lots of friends, throwing parties, and having a good career.

The more points you score, the more successful the society thinks you are.

There is a man named Henry who has lots of points. 3063 to be exact. He had a long career as a stockbroker. He had 2 sports cars, a beach house, a hot wife and a hotter mistress. He had parties and many followers on instagram. Great Gatsby would take notice. At 63, Henry had a heart attack during one of his lavish parties, and passed out on the dance floor.

Then, he wakes up and he's at the gates of heaven. He gets up, and walks on a cloud. He shivers; he is cold without a jacket. He sees Jesus, wearing a jacket. He asks Jesus, "Please can I have your jacket?" "No" Jesus says. Jesus continues, "For when I was cold and asked you for a jacket you turned me away." Henry says,"No, I wouldn't do that to you, Jesus." Jesus says back, "You already have, on Earth. You never clothed any homeless who were cold and needed your jacket. If you had, you would have been clothing me."

Henry is sad. "Do I get to go to heaven?" Jesus opens the book he's carrying. Let's see... Henry Hypothetical... You scored 49 points on Earth. You need 1000 to get into Heaven, sorry." Henry objects, "But I had 3063 points on Earth!" Jesus looks at him matter-of-factly, "We keep score differently up here."

Henry wakes up from his heart attack at one of his parties with a bunch of his "friends" around him. He tells everyone to leave and he thinks about his life and how there are actually 2 different scoreboards, and only the one in heaven is important to him now.

The next day, Henry no longer cares how society keeps his score. He quits his job and gives his possessions away. Society deducts so much points from him he starts to go negative. His girlfriend leaves him. He is considered a failure. He reads the Bible and tries to show some of it to his friends, and share his experience, but most of his "friends" avoid him now. At 88, Henry dies at peace, and wakes up in heaven with a warm jacket on this time. The angel's are singing his name and Jesus helps him up and points to the scoreboard. It reads, "Henry Hypothetical: 4004". Jesus says, "I am giving away some of my possessions to you, because you have already done the same for me." Henry smiles. Jesus hands him a golden steering wheel, and a golden key.

Henry drives his invisible car through the clouds and to his heavenly house. And the angels sing.

The End. Here is the Bible verse that I got the idea for the story from:


Matthew 25:31-46 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

New Song - Love


The Lord Giveth, and the Lord Taketh Away

Excellent summary of my favorite story in the bible


Recruitment Theory



I have a very special post for you today. It is a wonderful new theory that explains an awful lot of this riddle we call life. I'm going to share how I got here before I can share the recruitment theory properly.

I used to think everything was normal here. Maybe some corruption here and there, but I generally believed what I was told about how the world works. Then around 2010, My friend I'll call Jokir invited me and my friends to his house to watch a documentary. It was Loose Change, and it made a case that 9/11 was an inside job.

Many debunkers have since discredited that documentary, but the damage was already done to my psyche. I had already opened my mind to the possiblity that maybe 9/11 did not happen in the way we were told. Even if the conclusions Dylan Avery (The filmmaker) was making were wrong, or the evidence he was using was later debunked, the theme of documentary resonated with me. Maybe America wasn't attacked by Bin Laden, maybe an event as important as this was thought out and part of some sort of plan, and Bin Laden was a cover story.

Over time, I became obsessed with figuring out exactly what happened.

5 years later, I concluded that there were no planes. The footage was faked, and the buildings were exploded and demolished by bombs.

That's a 30 second clip of a man saying, "No Plane, it was a bomb." There was a better clip I was looking for of someone saying the same thing but this clip is still enough to make you want to scratch your head. Why would someone definitively say there was no plane but a bomb? It's weird.

After discovering the no plane theory and the documentary "September Clues" which shows how the footage was faked, I was satisfied with my explanation. I didn't have the desire to research anymore. Researching all that death is a form of torture.

5 years after that, my friend Jokir recommends to me a youtube channel called "Quantum of Conscience". I immediately liked his perspective, and I started following him closely. He has an audiobook called, "A Reality Few Can See" that he started the channel with, and I am in the middle of reading it. He also came to the no planes conclusion and then moved on.

During one of the readings of the chapters, he recommends listening to someone's complement or rebuttal to one of his videos. He called it brilliant.

I listened to this rebuttal and this is that video:

*Spoiler Alert* If you haven't read 1984 or do not remember how it ends I have to warn you that he does spoil the book in this video. It's the best book or ending to a story I've ever read so it pains me to spoil it for you but it's so important I have to discuss it.

Basically this man suggests that the 9/11 event was done at the time the internet could handle it. He says that there is an iniation going on with different filters, and that no plane theory would be the final filter of 9/11. He says that when certain people are seperated from their peers as they peel back layers of the veil, these groups are then targeted. Not killed, but recruited, and if unsuccessfully recruited, then disabled by whatever means necessary.

My favorite story in the Bible is the story of Job, because it shows a different dynamic to the Devil and God then we usually think about. The story goes that Job loves God and has a good life. Satan challenges God and says, "He only loves you because his life is good. If you made his life terrible he would curse you." God accepts the challenge and starts making Job's life miserable with diseases, etc. Job loves God even though his circumstances change, and God basically wins the bet and rewards Job in Heaven. I'm paraphrasing but that's the jist of it. Job was patient with God and trusted him and was rewarded and the Devil was proven wrong.

If you think of yourself as Job, then you are put through the ringer with this 9/11 truth movement, and everyone thinking you're crazy. You have to research more and more, to be absolutely certain you're right, otherwise it's not worth the trouble. Eventually, you prove it to yourself enought to believe it and move on, but not before the torture is done.


Now in order to tie this all in together I have to spoil 1984. The main character Winston Smith knows something is wrong with society. He wants to fight against it, and he rebels by writing a journal where the telescreen can't see him. "Down with Big Brother" he writes. A treasonous thought. The thought police can take you away for writing that. He works at the Ministry of Truth, where he rewrites history and old newspapers with whatever fits today's politics. Something like that. I haven't read it in years, but it's making me think of the Mandela Effect a little bit. I can't believe I'm giving a synopsis of the greatest book of all time but here it goes. He hates a girl because she represents a loyal Party member. Then she passes him a note that says "I love you" and he realizes it's a facade. They have a secret affair in the attic of an old shop. He makes a friend name O'Brien who gives him a book and offers to have him join "The Resistance". The book, is written by William Goldstein and is like the bible of the resistance group that is trying to take down Big Brother.

Eventually, Winston and his lover, I think Julia, are found in the attic. The shopkeeper below, letting them use the attic for unlawful sex, was actually a member of the thought police. No love was allowed because love was reserved for the Party or something, I forget why exactly. But their love was forbidden and therefore extra special. When Winston is taken into custody, O'Brien is there to greet him. It turns out, and this is the grand twist, that O'Brien is not a member of the resistance. There is no resistance. The Book by Emmanuel Goldstein, was fake. O'Brien, who recruited Winston into the resistance, was with the thought police the whole time. O'Brien explains everything to Winston, and how they have total control of people's reality. 2+2=5 if they want it to be. The whole time I was reading the book I thought it would end with the resistance winning, like in a normal story. But in this story, Big Brother Wins. O'brien brings in Julia, and Rats in a cage. Winston is terrified of rats, and O'brien is threatening to put his head in a cage with hungry rats. Winston finally cries out, "Not me, not me! Do it to her!!" and I think they listen to him. Once his humanity and hope has been completely removed, they simply let Winston go. Then he is drinking gin and has no plans to bring down Big Brother or break the rules. By the end of the book, he loves Big Brother. Big Brother wins.

These truth movements, are like the torture Winston went through, and their goal is to eventually turn truthers into O'Briens to help run the Party system. Like the Devil in the story of Job, the nefarious actors here want the truther to curse God for the torture they are under, and join the dark side of the sith, basically, and to become an O'Brien. Instead of trying to show others the trick, just join the tricksters. Mark Twain said, "It is easier to fool a man than to convince a man he's been fooled." Such is the nature of reality here.

I myself had doors open up at both Google and Amazon. It is quite interesting to imagine if those doors were opened up for me with the understanding that maybe I would walk through them and join the tricksters down the line. I still have a Google recruiter named Brandon I could reach out to. It's obviously possible I'm just not qualified for the job. It wasn't like I didn't try to get it. But it is possible that I had to make a choice: To prepare for technical interviews, or to study what I wanted to study. I don't know what happened but I just think this recruitment theory is interesting because look at what the Green Goblin does to Spiderman. He doesn't try to kill spiderman, he tries to recrutit him. Even the Joker plays his games with Batman almost like Satan and God arguing over what Job will do in the bible.


I should also mention that if you click on the articles tab and view my LinkedIn article about Google, you will see that it is me explaining that their "How to interview at Google" youtube video tutorial featured a wrong answer. I pointed out the mistake and offered a superior answer, and then they interviewed me. It's only just occuring to me now, that they purposefully put the wrong answer in that video, and are only interested in interviewing people who are able to see it. They made the mistake on purpose. I had barely started coding for less than a few months and I have interviews at Google and Amazon when there are CS majors that have way more experience than me and probably can't even sniff an interview at google.

If I get tired of trying to explain to you what I know in different ways, I am in danger of calling you "Sheep" and developing a hatred of you. Then I am an easy target to be indirectly recruited into a system that takes advantage of someone like you. I once had a sort of interview with an Advance Space AI lead person who made a strange comment to me in a bar. He said, "If you say you want to make money, that will take you very far in this business". And what business is that exactly? Space exploration with AI? Why would wanting to make money have anything to do with how high you are able to rise in space exploration. Shouldn't it be intelligence, curiosity, and ingenuity? Why would announcing that you want money, be the deciding factor? Well, if space exploration is a fraud, and his business model is to trick investors into giving him money so he can fake a bunch of space shit, then in that scenario, and only in that scenario, his comment would make sense.

My friends like to say that I think all the world is a show, and they aren't willing to go that far. But guess what? If 9/11 is fake, and everything else is real, that doesn't make any logical sense. Either all of it's real, or none of it is. I'm telling you, there's no logical way to think 9/11 was an inside job, but simultaneously believe in democracy, voting, the news, politicians, the moon landing, coronavirus, sandy hook, anything. Literally all of it goes down the drain with the same "Reality Flush" as Matt from Quantum of Conscience would put it.


If they weren't trying to recruit truthers, they wouldn't have made it so obvious. This theory explains all the breadcrumbs they leave for people to chase. There are mistakes that they allow as an initiation. A singed passport of a terrorist when the black boxes can't even survive the explosion... things like that are mistakes on purpose.

The Illuminati are the "illuminated ones" who possess knowledge. They have been through the initiation.

Second Grade



I could make a blog post explaining the basics of 9/11 or The Mandela Effect. I could refine my approach and try a million different ways to persuade the person who thinks Osama Bin Laden did 9/11 or that the Mandela Effect is just misremembering. This is perhaps worthwhile, however, it is mostly futile and therefore frustrating. The problem with doing that is that I'm spinning my wheels. There will always be people who cannot understand what I'm presenting because the conclusions I'm making do not fit their model of reality. Sometimes, people will say, "So what? Now What? What if your right, what do we do?" Well, once we've all graduated from first grade we can move onto second grade. I'm not going to teach anymore first grade classes. If you think it's always been "Magic Mirror" on the wall and everywhere it says "Mirror, Mirror" on the wall is a misprint or photoshopped, I'm sorry but you're going to have to be held back a year. You will have to find a new first grade teacher because I'm moving onto second grade.

I do not enjoy teaching first grade classes over and over because I do not get a chance to teach anything advanced. What is second grade? In this second grade class, I'm going to be sharing some theories about 9/11. If you think Osama Bin Laden is responsible for that day then please go back to your first grade class and let me teach my other students.



What a beautiful building.

I wonder if they had the blueprints for this before they even executed their plan on 9/11

I do think they knew ahead of time they would replace the two towers with one tower.

I think there's something significant about 2 becoming 1. I can't say for sure but the first thing that pops to mind about 2 becoming 1 is 2 genders becoming one. A genderless society. A spectrum. Another interesting thing about 911 is well, first of all, that's the number for an emergency which is probably not a coincidence. More interestingly though, is considering that 9/11 is like counting, but skipping the number ten. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11. 10 is the number of completion. But on 9/11 the fun goes on. Also 1 is an important number. Like a One World Government. They obliterated the twin towers, and erected one tower to rule them all. It's symbolic of their triumph. The 11 of 9/11 also looks like two towers. Also, even 2001 is 2, then nothing, then 1. 2 towers, then nothing, then 1 tower. I can also do this with linguistics. Barack Hussein Obama? Black Hussein Osama? First Black President. Sadaam Hussein. Osama Bin Laden.

Most people have considered how an Alien Invasion would unite the species into a one world government to combat the aliens. The One World government idea can be good or bad depending on what kind of government it is. It could be that having different governments throughout the world is the best stragegy for the whole. A multi government world allows for people to compare and contrast and it protects against a tyranny enslaving everyone. The downside is that some tyranny may still exist in some parts of the world and working together might not work as well as in a one government system. I think given where we are at as a species, it's too risky to form a one world government right now, because governments are so sick that it would turn the whole world rotten. I think the bad guys right now would prefer a one world government, and are hatching plans to bring about it's existence. And by bad guys I don't necessarily mean people in secret societies. I just mean whoever is responsible for these plots and deceptions, humans or non-humans.

I think of how a fake crisis could be used to unite the world into a one world dystopia. Coronavirus is doing just that. The whole world is coming together to fight this bullshit virus. Maybe they're starting out slow, and will crank up the deaths when it suits them, but I think it's pretty clear they created the virus, released it, and are capitalizing on it's spread by uniting the world into a one world government.

Remember, this is a second grade class. If you think the virus came from a bat by accident please go back to your first grade class. I'm sure they're very worried about you. Teaching second grade is fun! I can actually build on assumptions that would normally be challenged by my first grade class. Like Evolution, instead of challenging evolution I can begin to build on the idea that evolution is untrue. It's like as a game designer, if some people can't get past level 1, should I work on making level 1 more accessible or should I just build level 2? In this post, I'm working on level 2 and saying that I've done the best I can with level 1, and you can either beat it or give up.

I'm actually new to challenging evolution so I don't have anything interesting to say about the consequences of it being untrue. I think certain parts of it are believable, and others aren't. I will think about it and get back to you.

The bell's about to ring. How to conclude this second grade class? I will answer the question of "So what? Now what?" I would say that it's very important to not watch the news or react to basically anything being told to us. Now that we in second grade have internalized that the entire media lies about basically everything, it is our responsibility to never take them seriously again about anything. It's also interesting to ponder what's really going on here. They can't all be in on it, and yet they all say the same nonsense. It's bizarre. Sure, Anderson Cooper's in on it, but somehow this reality is constructed to where people are unknowingly doing the devil's work. I don't know how else to explain it. If the news says a comet is coming to blow up your town, I would advise to look up into the sky and use your own eyes. Just go about your day, and if you see it coming directly for you with your own eyes, dive out of the way. But the idea that you can get anything useful from the media is just ridiculous at this point. All they do is push lies until it is seen as normal. That's it. They're liars. The ones who aren't lying, have been tricked by the liars, and are repeatign the information the liars put out. You would be welcome on CNN to talk about how serious the virus is, but the minute you say something logical of your own self like, "Hey, shouldn't we be talking about ways to strengthen the immune system, how that's our best defense for thousands of years, and how masks actually compromise the immune sytem?" If you were on CNN as one of the non-liar parrots, and said that, you would be cut off, edited out, shunned, and fired. It's just ridiculous how full of shit the media is. And people know it's full of shit, even first graders know. But first graders think the media is lying because they lean left, or lean right. No, sorry first graders, that isn't what's happening at all. That's the excuse they use for when it's obviously bullshit. They are pure liars. Their jobs are to discuss nonsense and treat it as important so that nothing important ever gets discussed.

Anderson Pooper Scooper


Anderson Pooper Scooper is like the secret weapon of the CIA.

He's so good at what he does even I want to fall for it sometimes.

Instead of telling you what to believe, or what he thinks, he will typically be interviewing someone else.

During these interviews, he will always be concerned, and mostly asking questions, as if genuinely trying to understand the story.

However, the subtext of what he does is making it seem real, official, and true. He will also address any countering theories to the news story as fake, hurtful, and absurd.

I just pulled up a recent interview of him and Bill Gates to see what method's he is using. In the parts I just skimmed, Anderson Cooper is laughing like a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. I'm sure he's actually buds with Bill and they're part of the same club of evil people.

The parts of the interview I just stomached were about how Bill spends billions of dollars trying to reduce greenhouse gasses and prevent carbon from entering the atmosphere. He's making plant-based meat and he is injecting carbon into cement so it can't go into the ozone or whatever. Listen, if Bill Gates was actually a good person and philanthropist he would actually do things we could understand. This interview is clearly pushing the idea of climate change and how we have to stop it. Listen, there's millions of people right now that are in debt, hungry, homeless, etc.


We don't need your bullshit vaccinations and climate change fighting tactics. It's pure evil bullshit. It he was really a good person, he would simply build a gigantic homeless shelter that is completely free, and helps the homeless get off of drugs and alcohol, cuts their hair and puts them in suits and sets up job interviews. Instead, this snake will actually go into the poorest parts of the world and inject them with a vaccine, which is basically just a tenuated disease, and then leave them penniless and hungry and vaccinated. It's a fucking joke. He's pure evil.

Again this is for second graders. If you think Bill Gates is doing the best he can with his fortune please go back to your first grade class.

Bill Gates could dissolve his fortune amongst us all equally if he's such a good guy. Bill can afford to pay everyone in the world $20. So do it Bill, and then fuck off, seriously. How can you look at a third world country and say, "You know what they need? Vaccines!" Some of the kids will die from the side effects. Build them a house, you asshole! Give them food, water, shelter, and clothes, and love. They don't want your fucking chemicals. What a piece of shit, I mean seriously, it's not complicated. There is no scientific debate on hunger or homelessness. We need food and shelter. What we don't need is injecting carbon dioxide into concrete to prevent it from going into the atmosphere. What a joke.

So ya, that's Anderson Pooper Scooper's job. To interview Bill Gates, push climate change and vaccines, and make them both look like great guys doing it. And he's the best they have.

If you're so concerned about third world people getting diseases maybe you should use your billions of dollars to build them houses and feed them so they can build a strong immune system. How about you plant some orange trees, you asshole. Class dismissed.

Taxation, War, The Devil Farmer, The Game of Money, Economic Priests, and the Solution




The United States Government is $28 trillion dollars in debt. That's $85,000 for every person in the country, which is less than I thought. Maybe they should track how much each person has spent in their life in taxes to the government, and when you contribute your 85K, you're free on income tax. Then maybe everyone would pay their 85 and we could be a debt free nation. All you have to do is buy the government a Mercedes Benz AMG GT.

They are in debt to the "Federal Reserve" which has been ruled by the courts as a private bank. When you pay your income taxes to the government, how much of that money does the government use to pay off it's debt to the Federal Reserve?

If the government was not in debt, and we paid the amount of taxes we pay now, we would probably expect to see some useful things done with our money. But because of the insurmountable debt, they basically give the money to a private bank and we get nothing for our federal income tax dollars.



The United States Government has the strongest military in the world. If Big Joe is the strongest kid on the playground and owes little timmy $10, who does the $10 really belong to? In other words, does the US Government use it's military to control the world, regardless of how much debt it is in? After all, they could just go in and blowup the Federal Reserve bank and kill them all and declare themselves free of debt, right? Well, see the government and the federal reserve are working together. It's the peasants like you and me that are getting screwed. See we pay our income to the government, and then the government gives it to the bank and says they don't have enough money to give us anything back. Meanwhile the private bank gets all the money, and only lends it out to the governments it controls, with interest.

The Devil Farmer


See, this isn't a free country, and it's not a representative democracy. The 2004 Presidential election was between two members of the same college fraternity Skull and Bones.

We only think we are free, and have only as much limited freedom as is benificial to the 1% exploiting the other 99%. Imagine a Devil Farmer with a bunch of cows and chickens. He cares nothing about the animals except profit. He is ripping them apart and selling them and keeping them in small cages. Then he realizes, if he makes their cage larger, they produce better quality meat he can sell at a higher price. The Devil Farmer then enlarges their cages, not out of consideration for the animals, but out of the same heartless profit seeking he started with. Imagine he continues expanding their cage until the perfect economic equilibrium where if he gives them any change in freedom it reduces profit. That is where we are. We are the cows and the Devil Farmer is the US of A.

The Game of Money


We are expected to work like slaves, basically, entering the workforce in debt if you went to college, and then pay a large part of our income to the government who pays the banks and gives us nothing to show for our contribution. So you are welcome to play this game and even make good money, but you should realize it is a rigged game and you are a peasant. I have been studying Latin and my last name translates to "Carl" in Latin. "Carl" is defined in english as "a peasant or man of low birth." So I am Max "", the Greatest of Men of Low Birth, according to Latin, which by the way, is on all the money.

Economic Priests


Credit to Bill Cooper's video on my blog about the federal reserve for the following insight: Throughout history the minority has exploited the majority for wealth. Look at ancient kings and queens. They convinced their people they were Gods. When that stopped working, they employed a priest class whose job was to convince the people that rulers are chosen by God and bad rulers are chosen by God as punishment and rebellion against them is a rebellion against God.

When that stopped working, they employed intellectuals to proclaim that this system is the best we can do, and it is just. The modern intellectual economists serve the same function as the priest class did before. They convince the 99% to allow the 1% to keep fucking them over. 99% vs. 1% is a fight we can win physically, so the 1% has to employ all these tricks to keep the 99% divided and too stupid to rise up against the 1%. The smaller the percentage of the exploiting class, the more profitable it is. If 50% exploited 50%, it wouldn't be enough to sustain them.


All we have to do, is destroy the federal reserve banking system, declare America bankrupt, and start over. There's no reason you should have to work 40 hours a week just to feed and clothe yourself. It's ridiculous. We are being exploited by a spiderweb system of lies and deception.

If the government actually took our tax dollars and built cool things for us with it do you have any idea how many cool free things we'd have? Instead we have War, and some social security money and a crappy healthcare plan that makes you choose between taking a scalpel to your eye or spending 3 Grand on a laser to do it for you for cataract surgery.

The Military probably works for the private central bank unknowingly. If it was actually controlled by an elected representitive, we would simply elect someone who promised to end this corrupt system. The whole system is a lie for over 100 years since our currency became federal reserve notes instead of US notes. A private bank controls all of us. They can print up digital money on a computer without oversight. They control basically the whole entire world. And if they try to use other currencies in other countries to buy Oil in the middle east, we simply blow up our own buildings for an excuse to go fuck shit up in the middle east and force everyone to only be able to buy oil in dollars. It's known as the Petrodollar, and that's the only thing giving the dollar any tangible value. We will blow up anyone who tries to sell oil without using American dollars. So the military works for the bank.

We can do better than this, guys. We really can.

How to Beat Your Dad At Chess 2000

I destroy stockfish




Right now this website is out of balance.

It leans too far towards crazy! So let's have some fun

I love Kings of Leon's new album "When you see yourself".

In particular I like "Wave" and "Time in Disguise"

Today in my car before work I prayed for a Great day and peace to everyone on Earth and it was a great day indeed and then on the way home the sky looked awesome. It was like a cloudy sunset.

I have a good thing in call of duty where if I have a really good game I will just end on it. I used to try to chase the feeling when I'm on fire... but that creates an endless loop. Now I get off after a dominant game if it's been over an hour.

I'm getting my snipers diamond right now. My shotguns are already diamond. Then I'll be a diamond shotty sniper. I was playing this guy who was ridiculous yesterday and I managed to get the better of him and win it for our team. His gamertag was Invictus.

In chess, I just lost to a 14 year old. He was 2100+ with a ?. A question mark means you haven't played enough games for the rating system to slot you in. He was one of the best players I've ever played and destroyed my sicilian defense. He's either a cheater or a prodigy. The last cheater I played also had a ? so we'll see. I think he's legit though...

I'll include the game of me getting stomped by a 14 year old for entertainment value.

The amazing thing about this game is that there was basically nothing I could do.

I brought my queen out and he neutralized it with his bishop while also pinning my knight. Then later he prevented me from castling by threatening a knight fork of my rooks. I realized I was losing and tried to attack his King, but I ended up getting checkmated while I was one move away from checkmating him. But this was not a close game. One move ahead is all it takes.


Lorem Ipsum


When I'm coding, I can type "lorem" into visual studio code (my text editor) and it will give me the option of hitting enter and creating a wall of text as follows:

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim, voluptate quod, possimus facere iure iste consequatur quisquam odio fuga molestias distinctio rerum repudiandae? Assumenda nam quisquam, saepe voluptas accusamus voluptatum?

This is commonly used by coders and designers so they can see how their website looks with dummy text, basically. It's a useful paragraph to use because most people can't read latin and yet you get to see how the words look within your design.

The funny thing is, when you're as curious as I am, you want to know what the translation is. It turns out its sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC.

I've been fooling around with english to latin google translate all day and I can tell you without looking it up that Bonorum means good and Malorum means bad. Bonorum is probably like benevolent and malorum is like malevolent.

Millions of programmers probably use lorem all the time and very few of them probably even realize what it means. It means nothing, to them. However, nothing in this reality is by mistake. I actually went and read the sections by Cicero and realized what the theme was. It was about the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain, and it was before Christ. This beast system killed Christ, let's not forget. They clearly value this sophisicated pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain.

What's so bad about the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain? Well, how about the fact that doing those two things is focusing on this realm. When Jesus came, he started speaking about the kingdom of heaven. He said things like, where your treasure is, your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21). I think the worshippers of this realm, who value pain and pleasure above all else, killed Jesus because he was contradicting their way of life. To someone like Jesus, both pain and pleasure are the same. They are an attachment to this realm, ruled by Satan. Satan doesn't care if you are experiencing pleasure or pain as long as you remain focused on this and fail to see the bigger picture, or the game.

New World Order

I'm sure it's just a coincidence the fake text used for everything is about "The Extremes of Good and Evil". Ya, and the latin on the back of the dollar bill is just a coincidence too, right? We've all been told that Latin is a dead language. To me, that means it's alive and well. Otherwise, what is it doing on the frickin dollar bill? Every single thing, has a purpose. It's a grand deception. Lex Luther said "Some people can read the ingredients of a chewing gum rapper and discover the secrets to the universe, others can read War and Peace and come away thinking it was just a simple adventure story." Just by examining what dummy text really means, I can learn so much.

I contend that the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain was the highest value of the ruling structure of the world when Jesus came. Jesus challenged that, and they killed him, and they are still in control today. They don't want any part of this jesus business. Lorem Ipsum could have just has easily been a bible verse and words that Jesus himself spoke but no, of course it's the philosophy that killed him.

There are no mistakes here. It's supernatural. That's why an awake person can look at almost anything and tell you the secrets of the universe, while another person is completely blind to even something as illuminating as this blog, for example.

What else have we been told that isn't true? What other simple questions can we ask that lead to profound knowledge? I know it's a bit of a stretch to say that just because lorem is from a philosopher who talked about good and evil that it's put there on purpose by the same forces that killed Jesus to pay homage. I realize that. But if I'm constantly stretching my mind, and you're reluctant to do so, then who can touch their toes? Stretching is good for your body so why not your mind?

I'm going to give you some examples of things that if you look at with an open mind you can notice things you otherwise wouldn't be able to.

If you look at big company's logos, you can really see this phenomenon in action. Let's start with Amazon.


Do you notice any extra meaning within the logo?

The arrow is going from a to z, hinting that they have everything.

The arrow can also be interpreted as an erect penis.

I wonder what percentage of their customers have their brains turned on enough to even notice something like that consciously.


This one to me looks like a red carpet. Again, not important, but how many people would consciously make that connection? How many would just see an N? Let's pick a more significant one.



I can't believe this is the real logo. I thought it was a parody. I knew Starbucks was going to be weird but wow. This is some sort of goddess lifting up her legs and offering her vagina to you. I don't know how else to explain it. She's probably a specific diety like Lilith but I don't feel like exploring it further. Here is the progression of the logo

Okay, last one


Everyone knows this logo. I just picked a cool looking version of it from google images. But what does the iconic logo really mean? Is it about fruit? Is this a fruit company? No?? Then why apples? Maybe, just maybe, it has to do with the Garden of Eden, when Eve took a bite of the apple after the serpent told her too, and God has told her not to. Then she had the knowledge of good and evil. Interesting how we started out with Lorem Ipsum being about good and evil hiding in plain sight, and now you have the image of good and evil hiding on the back of your laptop right now.

Here's what google says, "The Apple logo was designed in 1977 by Rob Janoff. In an interview with Creative Bits he says: “I had the bite out of the apple put into the design to make it clear that it was an apple and not a cherry or a tomato. ... The rainbow colours of the original logo was the decision of Steve Jobs."

What an absolute joke. It's bitten so people won't think it's a cherry or tomato? You know we can bite those too, right? Rob is a liar. It's bitten because it's a reference to Eve and the knowledge of good an evil. I don't care what they say. The most famous bite of apple was in the Garden of Eden, and that's what an apple with a bite of it represents.

I hope you open your eyes and see the truth. I leave you with the words of Jesus.

For this people’s heart has grown callous; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them.’ But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it. (Matthew 13:15-17).

Do you believe in God?


This post is for my friend who we'll call Scarlett so she can remain anonymous.

I asked her, "Do you think there is anything more to this life? Do you believe in God?"

"No, but I want to believe there is something more to this life, otherwise what is the point?" She replied.

In this post, I will try to give Scarlett an introduction into answering this question for herself. This post will be geared toward her specific background and beliefs, but could be applicable to you as well if you would answer the question in a similar way.

Scarlett has a jewish background. However, since Judaism hasn't been satisfactory to her so far, and I know less about it than Christianity, I will be focusing this post on Christian principles as well as atheistic princles because those are the two I have the most experience with.

3 levels of understanding

One of the first books I chose to read was The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.

I have always been interested in the subject of God.

Dawkins is a famous athiest author, and Friedrich Nietzche is a famous athiest philosopher. Nietzche has some of the strongest criticisms of Christianity in my opinion and I will mention those later.

Ultimately I think there are 3 basic levels of understanding God. The first level of understanding is being raised with a religion. Then you believe that religion before you have developed critical thinking skills and it is difficult to get out of. Some people with this level of understanding break out of it when their questions are not adequately answered within the structure of that organized religion. Then they move onto level 2. Others are not raised with religion and are free to make up their own mind. These types of people will typically examine group 1 and realize it is a step below, and choose to stay where they are. After all, group 1 cannot satisfactorily answer group 2's questions. Group 2 would typically be able to win a debate with someone from Group 1 who has a blind belief in their rigid structure of organized religion.

Level 3 is the people in group 2 who realize there is some good things hidden in group 1 that are worth investigating and incorporating into their own belief system. Group 3 is able to pick up something like the Bible and distinguish the truths from the lies based on their own personal experience and knowledge base. Level 3 people are comfortable with other people mixing them up with group 1 and thinking less of them intellectually, because they understand the nuance of beliefs can be lost on some.

I believe that the teachings and parables of Jesus Christ have value. I believe they have so much truth and value in them that people who are exposed to them are naturally drawn to them. I also believe the teachings of this man were stolen, and religions were organized to ultimately discredit him. For example, imagine all of the brilliant people in group 2 who do not give Jesus a chance because of the lack of critical thinking they see within group 1. Jesus said, "And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven." (Matthew 23:9) and yet Catholic priests expect you to call them Father. It's more complicated than that but I think it's a good example that there is a difference between the teachings of Jesus, and the religions of today that use him. Consider also the abuse of children the catholic church is known for.

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Scarlett asked me why a kid gets cancer, and if everything is pre-determined?

First of all, I have studied the mechanisms of cancer extensively, I've written college essays in honors biology courses, but my ideas come from Jonathan Adampants' audiotape "The Healing Begins Now" I've already posted him in my blog titled "Genius or a Prophet".

Second of all, pre-determinism is not true in my opinion. In college philosphy, pre-determinism was pushed as a defensible position, but the truth is it makes little sense and our entire legal system is based upon free will. It's why you get mad at someone if they steal your wallet. Your anger comes from your belief that they had a choice and chose to steal. We are hard-wired to believe in free will. I will try to get into the mass deception that's going on but let's just say modern education loves to make you feel insignificant. There is an agenda to prevent you from knowing who you really are, and why you're here. You are not here by accident because of a big bang that came from nothing in particular. You are here for a reason and are the result of a conscious decision from the creator of everything, God. Most of this life is a deception designed to prevent you from realizing that. If you are empowered and believe in free will and that you can change your destiny, then you can understand why bad things can happen to good people. It's because of free will. And I must say, if we do live forever, and God takes care of those cancer kids everafter, this life would be like dust in the wind. If you are conned into believing this life is all there is, then it seems terribly unfair of God. But when evaluating how fair life is I think it's important to consider how short this life is compared to eternity which is a possibility.

Mass Deception

What opened up my mind into the possiblity of Jesus is that I started noticing the tricks of the Devil. They say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he never existed. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this earthly realm we are currently in is heavily influenced by dark forces. The Bible says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."(Ephesians 6:12). How do I know this? Well, I don't know how exactly they pull off the deception, but I do know there are some lies that are so prevelant it is basically supernatural. For example, conspiracy theories arise when people think an event was staged, or that the official story was bogus. I have researched many conspiracy theories and although I cannot tell you exactly what actaully happened instead of the official story, I can confidently poke logical holes in the official story. Pick your favorite conspiracy theory and I will show you its merit by poking holes in the official story. Conspiracy theorists go awry when they try to explain how it actually happened. They don't know. They can only theorize. Think of me today as an Official Story Denier, rather than a conspiracy theorist. I'm not going to tell you how the devil does his tricks, I'm just going to point out the logical fallacies within the accepted narrative and say that's enough to prove there is a mass deception.

9/11 Official Narrative

1. The black boxes (designed to be indestructible) on the hijacked plane were destroyed, but a passport and bandana of one of the hijackers survived the explosion

2. One of the hijacked planes flew into the Pentagon. The most secure building in the entire known universe was only able to capture 2 still images of the plane coming in, and was powerless to stop it

3. Our Airforce was unable to shoot down the hijacked planes in time, because they were busy being confused by a hijacking training mission scheduled for that morning. "Operation Northern Vigilance, was a NORAD operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to locations in Alaska and Northern Canada. In order to simulate a hijacking situation including terrorist pilots." is straight from wikipedia

4.President George Bush was notified, "America is Under Attack" by someone while he was reading a story to children in a school, and rather than evacuating or handling anything important, he stayed until storytime was over. The kids were learning how to spell "Jet" and "Steel" that day as well.

5. Building 7, which was not even hit by a plane, collapsed at near freefall speed due to fire from debree of the twin towers. The Twin towers sustained the collisions of the jets, but then because of fire, suddenly collapsed into themselves at near freefall speed becoming pulverized into fine dust.

I could honestly make that list go to 100, and I could do that for any conspiracy theory. The only way to collapse a building into itself is to basically pull the foundation out from under it. You cannot just have a skyscraper fall that fast with that much resistance below. If it's 100 stories, and the top 5 collapses on the 6th, this does not cause a chain reaction that brings it down that quickly. To bring it down that quickly, you need a chain reaction of explosives. You need a controlled demolition. Again I could go on for days, but I don't want to get into the nitty gritty unless you're interested. There is something called the No Plane Theory, which is a theory that it was only bombs and the videos of planes were faked. But again, that's a theory and I'm not here for theories I'm just here to make a point that the official story has so many holes that this proves this mass deception I'm talking about.

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."(Revelation 12:9). The bible says the devil deceives the whole world. And given that I've just shown the whole world was decieved, I think the Devil was involved and I think Level 3 Christianity does the best job at explaining the mass deception we are under.

So let's say you're with me so far. Jesus is real, but no organized religion is correct. The Devil controls this realm, all of education, media, and religion. The Devil has tricked the entire world.

Now you have to use your inner-knowing to reexamine everything you've been told. You need to put your armour on whenever you view anything in the media, because it is a deliberate deception. "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."(Ephesians 6:11).

Nietzsche's critique on Christianity


Nietzsche's most famous book is called "Beyond Good and Evil". It is a brilliant book about values. He suggests that values have been inverted, and that Christianity uses inverted values to rule over the masses.

For example, imagine a group of cavemen a long time ago. One caveman is bigger and stronger than the others. He calls himself "Good", the way you'd think of someone who is "Good" at the game of Basketball. This big strong man calls the weaker cavemen "Bad" because they cannot do things as well as he can. That is the original values of "Good" and "Bad". However, after many years of the "Bad" basketball players being ruled by the "Good" ones. They came up with their own value system. Nietzsche argues that everyone has a will to power, and if you cannot overpower the good basketball player, as a weaker one, your will to power will manifest in other ways. In this instance with the cavemen, the weaker players started to call themselves "Good" and the stronger players "Bad" or "Evil". "I would never take advantage of the weak if I was that strong" is what the weak player tells himself so that he can invert the values and see himself as "Good" and his master as "Bad" or "Evil". This is what Nietzsche calls a "Slave Morality" as opposed to a "Master Morality" which is the morality of the original big strong cavemen who just takes what he wants and assigns values as he pleases.

Christianity, is the ultimate slave morality, because it allows the oppressed to view themselves as morally superior. Although they get nothing in their life as a slave farmer for example, they are promised rewards in heaven. They view weakness, meekness, and obediance, as virtues. They view power and force as vices. But in Nietzsches view, this is only because they do not have the power to use their will to power so they have to get it done in this roundabout way.

This is an absolutely brilliant critique of Christian values and I am forced to agree with him. However, I still think the teachings of Jesus have merit ultimately. Although the Christian church does use a slave morality to rule over many, the teachings of Jesus are seperate from that slave morality. Jesus does in a way glorify the poor and weak, but I just think it's important to find a balance between moralities to make sure you aren't lying to yourself about your will to power. I think it's important to be powerful outwardly, but also to respect the poor. Don't be a doormat, but also don't hate your enemies. It's a balance. See the media will often depict light vs. dark like in star wars for example. But the truth is you have to use both. You have to sustain yourself and the system. If you only give, and take nothing for yourself, you have failed the system because you are a part of the system. So take care of yourself and the system. Be powerful, but also meek. Be strong, but humble. That's my take on it.

The Teachings of Christ

"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing."(John 15:5).

I think the best metaphor for Christ vs. the Bible that I've found is Jonathan Adampants talking about riding a bike vs. reading a book about riding a bike. "He was a bike rider, and they're trying to get you to ride him." "They've [Priests] only read a book about riding a bike, and a fraudulent one at that, and they've never ridden a bike themselves." "You're natually a bike rider. Put the book down." Are some of the quotes he makes in his lecture I have posted before but I will post again because it's the best. It's Level 3 of Understanding.

God is real. He created you. You have free will. Will you choose to try to learn about him or will you choose to keep living your life without him?

Love, Max

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Matt from Quantum of Conscious examines the overreaction to coronavirus


Orca Dream


I just woke up from a wonderful dream. I was visiting a friend in Florida and he was having a party where there were many people I hadn't seen in a while. The people were smiling at me but also avoiding me and somewhat distant except for the friend I was visiting. There was a blonde girl who smiled but then went away who is very important to me.

The next day, still in the same dream. I was walking down a neighborhood by a lake with 2 guy friends. The one who I was visiting, and another great friend who didn't do much in this dream. The one I was visiting showed me into a house where there was work on the wall. It was similar to work that I do for insurance. My friend was showing me this big deal that he was a part of and how the man had signed what he paid for as thousands of dollars and 14 cents like a .14 at the end. My friend was asking my help and explaining that he wanted the change the numbers in the .14 so he didn't have to bother the very important client and ask him to pay for it again. He asked if there was a way to replace the numbers. It was like a computer screen on a wall.

I was hesitant to help as I didn't want to forge the man's signature or do anything unethical. But it was only 14 cents and I knew how to do it. I told my friend he could take a screen shot of one of the other numbers he had written on the document, and then paste that onto the 14 cents to get whatever number he wanted. I trusted my friend to not do anything bad, but to only use it when it made sense. It was like altering 14 cents on the purchase of a yacht so as not to bother the customer.

He was very thankful, and then we walked outside down toward the lake. Then as we were walking he pleaded with me that I only told him about how to fix his problem, but I didn't show him or actually fix it. So I agreed to turn back and we went back to the house and to the computer wall. It was like a whiteboard you could use a computer on. Now I manually showed him the .14 could convincingly become whatever he wanted. He asked me to get it to say $1 down. He said there needed to be a down payment. I hesitated again but it was only $1 and I wanted to help my friend so I did it. Then we went to the lake.

On the way, my friend was discussing how he bought a jetski. It was expensive, and he was questioning his decision, but said when you live here it makes sense. The Lake was magnificient. There was a gigantic bridge in the middle of the lake that had boats underneath it. One of the bridge boats started to drive away and now the bridge has a missing link and couldn't be used. I was shocked! My friend was not. The bridge boats looked like they were multipurpose, like they could all work together and make a bridge whereever they wanted. Also, the bridges were made out of boats and jet skis above them. It was like the way you see a 18 wheeler carrying a bunch of cars on the highway but for boats.

As we walk down towards the docks, it's now Me, my friend I'm visiting, and a couple of pretty girls. One of the girls was a pretty blonde girl and she was not the same blonde from the night before. This was one I hadn't met before. Oddly enough, she was complaining about the $1 down payment she needed for a big deal she was working on. My friend got on his jetski and went out into the lake. We were on a dock in the middle of the lake somehow, surrounded by water on all sides and the dock was barely above water. It was like walking on water. So my friend jetskis away and I'm left with the two girls, one blonde. Before my friend left The blonde girl is saying how she needs the down payment and I said maybe he could venmo you. Everyone said loudly, "It's already on the water". In this business these people were in, they needed to lie about having already received a down payment so as not to bother their customer with the details. It wasn't that unethical, but more of a perdicament I was offering suggestions for. They were navigating the legality of their business and it was not sinister.


My friend jetskis away with a smile and I am left with basically just that blonde. I walk with her to the edge of the dock and we notice the lake is brimming with life. There were suddenly many orcas of all sizes swimming around us. There was 10 at once in the air. They were behaving like dolphins but even moreso. It felt like I was in Sea World except the orcas were completely free. The lake was their home and they loved people. They were putting on a show for me. They were so magnificient. I wasn't scared but I could sense their power and I was a little worried about falling over into the lake as they swam under us. It was clear to me I was experiening something spectacular, even for this amazing lake. It was something my friend would have laughed at later, the way you would laugh if you'd experienced it before. There were so many orcas swimming around the blonde and me that it was almost dizzying, and then I woke up!

How to Beat Your Dad at Chess

I take on Stockfish at level 1700


Why I'm Anti Anti-Depressants


Besides during a new year's eve party at a beach house, I haven't drank or done drugs in at least half a year.

Part of the reason for that is that my social life isn't what it used to be and I haven't been invited to any other parties. I think it's okay to do stuff with friends on special occasions.

I also support the experimentation of psychadelic drugs like acid, shrooms, and the like.

However, when it comes to the daily use of drugs I do not support them unless you are epilectic, diabetic, or suffering from some kind of disease. Depression, in my opinion, is not a disease, it's just sold to you as one so that you feel better about taking daily drugs for it.

You're told that you have a chemical imbalance in your brain preventing you from being happy. You're told they have a nice variety of pills to make you feel better. Awesome.

What makes you think they have it figured out? Is it the lab coat of the doctor? Is it because he went to medical school? I think it would be damn near impossible to make it through medical school and become a successful psychiastrist without supporting Anti-Depressants.


Just because drug companies claim they can make you happy and doctors peddle it for extra money doesn't mean they know anything. Do you think there were cavenmen walking around thousands of years ago with chemical imbalances? Just miserable all of the time? Kill a big ox, and make a new tool, make love to a new woman in your cave, and still depressed because of that damn chemical imbalance? No.

Dr. Phil even says if you're miserable that's like you're standing on asphault barefoot and it's 100 degrees and you're body is telling you to get off the road and into the shade. If you take Anti-Depressants to reduce that signal from your body, now you're standing in the middle of the road barefoot on a 100 degree day, getting more comfortable.


I've always known that intuitively, but I fell into the trap of marijuana. Marijuana is an awesome plant, no doubt about it. But relying upon it for daily use is not a good idea and I know that better than most. I used to smoke a ton of weed every day and it is most definitely not good for you. However, I definitely like it and recommend it for occasional use, maybe even medicinal use if you have back pain or something, idk. Generally speaking it's not good to be high all of the time. It tampers with intuition and causes paranoia.

So here I am, completely sober. I literally take zero medicine of any kind and I feel great. I think maybe God made it so I had my experience with weed and Anti-Depressants so I could relate to other people and try to bring them into the light of truth and get off the asphault.

How did I have an experience with Anti-Depressants if I'm so against them? Well, funny enough, when you have a mental breakdown there is only one way out. You have to give into the system, accept all of their bullshit diagnoses, nod your head until you can escape and get your own doctor and taper off the meds. If there was any other way, I would have found it.

When you go crazy for a month, everyone treats you like you'll be crazy forever. They say you're schizophrenic, or bipolar, or whatever's hot right now in med school. It's a joke and a scam. If you refuse any of it, they will never let you escape. I promise. I had to take the meds and cooperate before I could escape, both the mental institutions and the structured livings I went into after.

Finally, after about a year of going along with the retarded system of psychiatry I was able to get a part-time job and get some reduction in my medication. I was able to move into a sober living instead of a structured living and have more freedom. I hated my therapist, and my Dad was troubled that as much as I was cooperating I absolutely hated my therapist. He agreed to let me see a different one and I got very lucky in finding an awesome guy. He heard my story, and how I wanted to get off meds and go back to normal, and he rejected all my previous life-long diagnoses and diagnosed me instead with Temporary Cannabis Withdrawal Psychosis. It's true, I had been smoking major pot every day for years before I suddenly quit cold turkey. I also quit tobacco at the same time. I quit virtually everything. TV, Porn, smoking, drinking, you name it. This caused me to lose sleep which eventually caused a temporary psychosis.

He said I could taper off the meds with his doctor friend next door and that's what I did.

I started working full-time at an internship and I was almost completely off of my meds. The meds had caused me to have a huge appetite and I put on a ton of weight that I still haven't completely shed. They also made me zombified and unintelligent. I was on Depakote and Abilify. I think at this point I was only on abilify. Oh my god, at one point they were trying to inject me with abilify, it was terrifying. Anyway, so I am about to taper off and I'm going as fast as I can.

Then it happened. I'm at work, and I'm off of the meds completely, and I felt like shit. Just emptiness. Like the difference from 10 to 5 mg was barely noticable. But from 5 to 0 was the biggest drop you can imagine. Maybe I did 10 to 0 but still it was unreal how awful it felt. I felt, for the first time in my life, suicidal. It was the only time period of my life where I seriously considered it. I'm very against suicide in general, but there was something about coming off of Abilify where I'm certain people have killed themselves in that exact situation.

The reason I'm so open about these things is that I have a very high opinion of myself and I think if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone. It felt like, I'm trying to think of the words to describe how that week felt. It felt like I would never experience joy again. It felt like my whole life flashed before my eyes and it was nothing but pain and sadness. It felt like a damp unease in my mind that I could never hope to dry. It felt like death would be better, and life just wasn't worth living.

I asked to go home and I had a great talk with my boss Peter. He said he understood and he knew getting off meds could be tough. I went home and toughed it out and it was difficult, but after about a week I found myself dancing to a song or laughing at a joke and I knew I was back.

Fucking around with these mind-altering drugs is so incredibly dangerous I truly don't believe other people who aren't as strong as me could have survived. It even occurred to me to go back on the meds and I'm writing a 1000 word essay about how much I'm against them. The average joe would simply go back on the meds or take their own life. It takes a warrior.

I don't think these drug companies know what the fuck they're doing besides making money and having no liability. I highly doubt they're trying to "help" people. If today's medical system "helps" you then you'd no longer be a customer. That's how our world works. They have a financial incentive to make every healthy person sick because sick people are customers. If you don't have a disease, they'll just make one up by taking something normal and making you think it's a disease, like erectile dysfunction. I'm not an expert on that because I'm not even 30 but you get my point, oh wait I forgot, you don't! My point is that they don't care about your health. They want you to stay sick or stay thinking you're sick and they want you to be a lifelong customer, and they probably design those drugs to be horrible to come off of so that you keep buying them. It's a possibility.

We need water, food, clothes, shelter, family, friends, and a purpose. If you examine you're own life and find that you "need" a shot of tequila, or you "need" a cigarette, or you "need a hit from the bong" then that means you are out of balance. You are addicted and your motivations have twisted your mind into thinking it needs something when it actually doesn't. I don't need anything to achieve homeostasis. I am just in a perpetual state of peace. I need water and food and the basics of course, but that's because everyone does. If you're finding yourself needing something that not everyone else needs, then something is terribly wrong and you are mistaken about what you do or do not need to live. Again, I have nothing against Insulin or Epileptic medication or some other instances but to pretend depression and anxiety are the same of those is the greatest fraud in medicine I've seen in my entire life.

I realize these opinions are controversial. As a self-proclaimed philosopher, I do not see the point in discussing what everyone already understands unless it's wrong. If everyone and myself all agree the sky should be blue, it's not worth talking about to me. I may appear edgy, but that's just the nature of my philosophy. I mean you no harm. It's your beliefs I'm threatening, not you. Relax.

Asha Logos


Asha Logos is a youtube channel of a man with a beautiful mind who has a brilliant video called "Language is the Battlefield" that really opened up my eyes to the tactics of the controllers. This is his latest video and I'm happy to share his perspective with you. Enjoy.

Supernatural Bible Changes



If you google Isaiah 11:6 you will see many pictures and drawings of a lion laying down with a lamb. These two animals are symbols of Jesus's personality as he is both Lion and Lamb. The act of them lying together is a well known biblical symbol. However, in this reality today, the verse has always been about a wolf laying down with a lamb. Below I have included a verse about a wolf and what they symbolize, and then a verse in Revelation about God saying what he'll do to those who tamper with his word.

Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

Revelation 22:18-19 ESV
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

I apologize for getting frustrated in my "Post for No One". All I can do is present the information to the best of my ability and hope it helps you. The way I see it, there is overwhelming evidence the Bible has supernaturally changed from lion and the lamb to wolf and the lamb, and that means the bible might be different 10 years from now if you go to pick it up then so you should read it now if you ever want to. I don't know for sure if the bible is the key to salvation. I think it is a good thing to read if you know how to read it. I think there is a mixture of truth and lies in the bible and perhaps that is blasphemous to say. I prefer Adampants's take on Jesus and not the rigidity of the organized religious systems of Christianity.

I had to make that image myself (I added the quote only) because the images of lions and lambs with a verse usually are talking about a wolf inexplicably. Why would you draw a lion and a lamb and quote a bible verse about a wolf and a lamb? Shouldn't you draw the wolf laying with the lamb? That's enough for me. Please forgive me for getting frustrated.

The Sacrifice of the Century

Leela Chess Zero gives away its bishop in the opening and beats stockfish in the computer chess championship in a mind-boggling game with great analysis by IM Daniel Rensch.



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